PhD in Mathematics - Colorado State University, US, May 2024 (expected)
(Advisor: Mark Shoemaker, Renzo Cavalieri)
MA in Mathematics - Seoul National University, Korea, Jun 2018 (Advisor: Atanas Iliev)
BA in Applied Mathematics - KyungHee University, Korea, Dec 2015

Email: j.lee@colostate.edu

I am an enthusiastic math PhD student at Colorado State University under the supervision of Mark Shoemaker and Renzo Cavalieri.

My research interests are in
moduli spaces (esp. of quasimaps), intersection theory in moduli spaces, computations for diverse enumerative problems, quantum cohomology, and mirror symmetry.

Wir müssen wissen, wir werden wissen.

-David Hilbert

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.

-Albert Einstein

All men by nature desire to know.


There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.

-Morpheus in the Matrix

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.


"One of the things I realized while learning and researching new mathematics in earnest during graduate school was that the answers to questions in mathematical research were already embedded in the subjects.  But since they were new to me, I felt like I was finding hidden objects."

- Bumsig Kim, To Make Noncommutativity Commutative, in “Essays of Natural Scientists”.