
Donate to the Jacob Hartog foundation?

Would you support Jacob Hartog foundation with your gift ? 

You can transfer your donation to NL23 RABO 0145 2326 97, beneficiary “Jacob Hartog Stichting”, the Hague, The Netherlands named “donation".

Benefit for you

For Dutch citizens: a  donation offers tax deductions of your income in the Netherlands. 

Benefit for Jacob Hartog Foundation

Your donation would further ensure that the Jacob Hartog Foundation can continue long-term projects.  

In addition, the Foundation itself is not subject to taxation. The Jacob Hartog Foundation has  been authorised by the Dutch tax authorities as an official charity known as ANBI : General Benefit Institution (ANBI).

Donation (through the NAF in the USA)

The Jacob Hartog Foundation and NAF (Netherlands-America Foundation)

The Netherlands-America Foundation in New York facilitates US tax deductibility also for possible donation for the Jacob Hartog Foundation. This page shows information on how it works.

For making a donation, please use this link: