About Me

Welcome to my website! I am a recent graduate of Michigan State University with a PhD in physics, during which I researched quantum algorithms for simulating physics, chemistry, and other quantum mechanical problems. I enjoy combining mathematical rigor with physics-inspired problems. Thankfully, quantum algorithms research has provided a rich setting for this. I am also keen on science education and the effective communication of technical ideas.

I have multiple publications spanning quantum computing, nuclear physics, and physics education. For details on these and other professional activities, see my academic CV. I am currently seeking industry roles to have more control over my location, and with the intent to work in a fast-paced, collaborative environment with immediate impact. In this transitionary period of life, I often contemplate how I can leverage my technical skills to address fundamental societal challenges, such as climate change and sustainability. 

On a hike near Telluride, CO, during the conference QSim 2023. Academia has its perks!


Outside of my professional life, I enjoy hiking, biking, swing dancing, board games, and listening to vinyl records. I strive to live simply and enjoy the little things. I believe in the power of being spontaneous and a bit goofy, and I'm lucky to have friends and family who encourage that. 

I live in Lansing, Michigan with my partner, Brita, and our two turtles, Nordle and Czernobog (right). Brita and I enjoy exploring the (admittedly hidden) gems of our city. Some of our favorite places to go are American Fifth for cocktails and Altu's for amazing Ethiopian food.

There you have it! Check out other pages to see my professional activities and hobbies. My LinkedIn and GitHub pages are also linked below. 

Nordle (foreground), and Czernobog (behind some plants that were probably gobbled up)

(Not-so-)Frequently Asked Questions

Favorite kind of food?

Italian or Ethiopian

Bowls or plates?

Bowls. And while we're at it, spoons. 

What are you learning about right now?

Neural networks, like everyone else it seems. I am enjoying Michael Nielsen's online tutorial.

Other quirks?

I enjoy population statistics a lot, and jumping into cold bodies of water.


j [dot] a [dot] watkins [at] hotmail [dot] com