Jaclyn Schess


My name is Jaclyn Schess (she/her) though most people call me Jackee. I am a PhD student in Health Policy in the Health Economics Track at UC Berkeley.  My research interests are in the social and political determinants of mental health and addiction.  At Berkeley I am a NIA T32 Trainee in Demography and am conducting research on the impact of labor force policies on mental health and substance use outcomes. 

I am the Founder and CEO of Generation Mental Health, a youth-led nonprofit empowering young people to take action for mental health. You can frequently find me speaking or writing about my lived experience and advocating for the centering of impacted people in research, programs and policy. 

In addition, I serve as Co-Chair for the Youth Advisory Group at Being Initiative and previously served as Co-Coordinator for Advocacy and Communications for the Lived Experience Council of the Healthy Brains Global Initiative. 
