Hold onto your choir robes! We’re about to speed through some of the burning questions you never knew you had about JZ. 🔥

So... what exactly do you do?

I'm a professional musician and educator. I enjoy being an active as a singer, writer/arranger, and director in the greater CT area, and I teach music at Swift Middle School in Oakville, CT.

Wow, middle school?! You must be busy.

You must be right! I teach grades 6, 7, and 8 Choir General Music, and a few other things. Depending on what grade you’re in, General Music might include piano, ukulele, music tech, bucket band (a popular favorite!!), or music appreciation. I also volunteer to teach extracurriculars, including our Select Choir, festival rehearsals, and the ever-popular Variety Show. (But enough about school!)

Did you know your wanted to be a musician first or a teacher first?

A teacher. I knew that from day one, but I was still always making music along the way. Teaching music was a very natural step for me. I didn't grow up in a musical family, so it didn't dawn on me that music could be an actual career until I was well into my teens! Today, I enjoy my dual-identity of being a working musician while also teaching.

Is that your voice I heard singing the National Anthem at my local CT sportsball™ game?

Probably. CIAC still uses my recording (if you can believe it!) at a lot of games when there is no live singer present. By the way, the other singers on that track are Mike Slifer and Michael Bradley. Want to perform our version with your choir? Download the music here! By the way, my voice can be heard in many other places too if you listen hard enough!

Will you arrange or write a piece for my choir?

Yes! Contact me with details about your project and we will work on securing permissions. Whether it's accompanied or a cappella, I’ve got your back. Are you a solo singer who wants to perform a song for which no sheet music exists yet? I’ve got you covered, too -- that's a big chunk of my work!

Will you sing on my demo or participate in my fun musical project?

Contact me about it! The answer is probably yes!

Do you give private lessons?

I am not taking any new voice students at this time, but I will help you find other great teachers. However, current students are always welcome to request extra help. (I also do sometimes take older students who need a theory fundamentals refresher or want a college prep crash course. )

Oops, I thought you were a student. How old are you actually?

I've been rockin' and rollin' since 1994! 🎸 (Now you know for your program notes!)

Can I follow you on Instagram? Follow for follow?!

For now, the Swift community and Music Ed enthusiasts is welcome to visit or follow me @SwiftJZ. In general, my Swiftagram doesn't follow back current students or open DMs, so email is still the best way to contact me. 😊

By the way, Watertown Public Schools has been excellent about supporting its staff members' online and media visibility. You'd be surprised how many school districts and teacher preparation programs ask their teachers to disappear from the Internet/newspaper/television/radio/live stage/public eye. Go Swift! #WatertownLeads

Everybody else is encouraged to request my personal @jackzaino account for updates on my current projects, business inquiries, and lots of dog pictures.

Are you a VSCO boy?

Yes. sksksksksk.

How do you get your hair like that?

A great cut is key. I'm a frequent visitor to Camelion. As for styling, I'm a follower of BluMaan, but brand isn’t the most important thing. You can do wonders with some pre-styler and a hairdryer. Spray it in place and you’re good to go. 👨‍🎤👍