The image shows a half-body picture of Izar Alonso on top of Sulfur mountain (Banff, CA).)

Izar Alonso

Hill Assistant Professor, Rutgers University

Since September 2023, I am a Hill Assistant Professor at Rutgers University, mentored by Paul Feehan.

I obtained my DPhil at the University of Oxford under the supervision of Jason Lotay and Andrew Dancer, from 2019 to 2023. Before, I did a MASt in Pure Mathematics (Part III) at Univesity of Cambridge, and a  Double Bachelor in Mathematics and Physics at the Complutense University of Madrid.

From August to December 2024, I will be a Postdoc at SLMath (former MSRI), for the program Special Geometric Structures and Analysis.

My full name is Izar Alonso Lorenzo, but in academic environments I normally only use my first surname.