Jamelao Discografia

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Jamelao Discografia: A Journey Through Brazilian Samba

Jamelao was one of the most influential and popular samba singers in Brazil. He was born as Jos Bispo Clementino dos Santos in 1913 and started his career as a crooner in nightclubs and radio stations. He became famous for his interpretation of the songs of Lupicinio Rodrigues, a composer who specialized in themes of love, betrayal, and jealousy. Jamelao also sang the samba-enredos (theme songs) of Mangueira, one of the most traditional samba schools in Rio de Janeiro, for over 50 years.

Jamelao recorded dozens of albums throughout his career, showcasing his versatile and expressive voice. He sang sambas of different styles and rhythms, from romantic to humorous, from nostalgic to festive. He also collaborated with other renowned artists, such as Elizeth Cardoso, Nelson Cavaquinho, and Cartola. Jamelao died in 2008 at the age of 95, leaving behind a legacy of unforgettable songs and performances.

If you want to discover more about Jamelao's discography, here are some of his albums that you should listen to:

O Samba Em Noite De Gala (1958): This album features Jamelao singing some of the most famous sambas of the time, accompanied by Rafael Puglielli's orchestra. The songs include classics such as "Aquarela do Brasil", "Malandro", and "Feitio de Orao".

O Samba  Bom Assim (1960): This album showcases Jamelao's interpretation of Lupicinio Rodrigues' songs, such as "Ela Disse-me Assim", "Nervos de Ao", and "Vingana". The album also includes some sambas by other composers, such as "Conceio" and "Folha Morta".

Aqui Mora O Ritmo (1962): This album is a tribute to Mangueira, the samba school that Jamelao represented for decades. The album contains some of the most famous samba-enredos of Mangueira, such as "Exaltao  Mangueira", "Carnaval de Iluses", and "Festa do Crio de Nazar".

Jamelo Interpreta Lupicnio Rodrigues (1972): This album is another homage to Lupicinio Rodrigues, featuring some of his lesser-known but equally beautiful songs, such as "Nunca", "Volta", and "Esses Moos". The album also has a guest appearance by Elizeth Cardoso on the duet "Se Acaso Voc Chegasse".

O Sucesso (1968): This album is a compilation of some of Jamelao's most successful songs, such as "Matriz ou Filial", "Moleque Atrevido", and "Saudosa Maloca". The album also includes some sambas by other composers, such as "O Sol Nascer" and "As Rosas No Falam".

Jamelao discography is a treasure trove of Brazilian samba history and culture. His voice and style are unmistakable and captivating. If you want to learn more about Jamelao and his music, you can visit the following websites:

Jamelo | Discography | Discogs: This website provides a comprehensive list of Jamelao's albums, singles, compilations, and videos.

Jamelao discography - Slipcue.com Brazilian music guide: This website offers a brief biography of Jamelao and some reviews of his albums.

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