The audio on videos from YouTube/Facebook/Twitter/any website which allows video/audio play, is cracking.Mostly happens when there are multiple tabs open.What can I do?Also, I have tried doing a full uninstall and installing again, continues with the same problem.This did not used to happen before.

Hmm... It seems fine now.But it might be temporary, because I have disabled hardware acceleration and the problem was still there. But now that I disabled it again, the audio stopped cracking... Strange.

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Shortly afterwards, the Mozilla Foundation invited Garrity to head up the new visual identity team. The release of Firefox 0.8 in February 2004 saw the introduction of the new branding efforts. Included were new icon designs by silverorange, a group of web developers with a long-standing relationship with Mozilla. The final renderings are by Jon Hicks, who had worked on Camino.[274][275] The logo was later revised and updated, fixing several flaws found when it was enlarged.[276] The animal shown in the logo is a stylized fox, although "firefox" is usually a common name for the red panda. The panda, according to Hicks, "didn't really conjure up the right imagery" and was not widely known.[275]

Construct your FireMaster crack command. FireMaster supports a lot of different options, but you can speed up the process if you can narrow down a few points to customize your password cracking. For example, if you know you've only used alphabet characters (a through z), adding the following to your command can speed up a brute force attack significantly: -c "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" For the purpose of testing and providing an example, I wanted to see how long it would take for FireMaster to crack a password containing only letters (a through z) that I knew was exactly six characters long. The resulting command looks like this:

As you can see, I'm telling FireMaster to try a brute force crack on a 6-character master password using only the letters a through z. (You should read through the usage information to get a better idea of what options you've got for customizing the process to what you know about your password to speed things up.)

After you've constructed your command, just hit Enter to get cracking. Using the command constructed above, FireMaster took roughly 23 minutes to crack my Firefox password. If I didn't know how long the password was, it would take significantly longer (you can offer a minimum and maximum password size to help narrow things down a little further). That said, it clearly wasn't all that difficult to crack my password given all I knew about it. It gets much harder the more secure your password is (think unusual characters and long passwords).

Every time we post something about, say, how to crack a Windows password, we have to address the privacy issue. Password cracking tools like FireMaster can, like most things, be used for both good and evil. If you've forgotten your master password and you're desperate to get the keys back to Firefox, it can be extremely useful. If you just like testing how secure your current password is, it's a handy tool. (I always love testing my passwords against these sorts of things.) It would also, obviously, do the trick if you're trying to steal someone else's information. Don't use it for that, jerk.

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Here is the general usage information Firemaster [-q] 

 [-d -f ] 

 [-h -f -n -g "charlist" [ -s | -p ] ]

 [-b -m -l -c "charlist" -p "pattern" ]


Note: With v5.0 onwards, you can specify 'auto' (without quotes) in place of "" to automatically detect default profile path. Dictionary Crack Options:

 -dPerform dictionary crack -fDictionary file with words on each line Hybrid Crack Options:

 -hPerform hybrid crack operation using dictionary passwords.

Hybrid crack can find passwords like pass123, 123pass etc -fDictionary file with words on each line -gGroup of characters used for generating the strings -nMaximum length of strings to be generated using above character list

These strings are added to the dictionary word to form the password -sSuffix the generated characters to the dictionary word(pass123) -pPrefix the generated characters to the dictionary word(123pass) Brute Force Crack Options:

 -bPerform brute force crack -cCharacter list used for brute force cracking process -m[Optional] Specify the minimum length of password -lSpecify the maximum length of password -p [Optional] Specify the pattern for the password Examples of FireMaster // Dictionary CrackFireMaster.exe -d -f c:\dictfile.txt auto // Hybrid CrackFireMaster.exe -h -f c:\dictfile.txt -n 3 -g "123" -s auto // Brute-force CrackFireMaster.exe -q -b -m 3 -l 10 -c "abcdetps123" "c:\my test\firefox" // Brute-force Crack with PatternFireMaster.exe -q -b -m 3 -c "abyz126" -l 10 -p "pa??f??123" auto Here Firefox_Profile_Path refers to the directory where key3.db file is present. This points to the Firefox profile directory (Ex: C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\) on your machine. However you can also copy key3.db file from any other machine such as Linux system to your local windows machine and specify that path during recovering operation. Quiet mode ( -q option ) will disable printing each password while recovery is in progress. This makes it much faster especially for brute force operation. However during brute force operation if the password count exceeds 50000 passwords then it automatically enters the quiet mode. Hybrid method tries normal dictionary password as well as password created by appending/prefixing the generated strings to the dictionary word. For example if the dictionary word is "test" and you have specified character set as '123' (-c 123 -s) then the new passwords will be test1, test12, test123, test32 etc. By default FireMaster includes smaller password list file "passlist.txt". You can find larger password dictionary file here Character list (-g for hybrid and -c for brute force) specifies the characters to be used for generating passwords. If you don't specify then the default character list is used. For brute force -m indicates the minimum length of password to be generated.

This can reduce the generated passwords and hence the time considerably when large number of character set is specified. Similarly -l (small 'L') specifies the maximum length of password to be generated. For example, if you specify -m 6 and -l 8 then only passwords which are of length at least 6 and above but below 8 will be generated. Now you can reduce the password cracking time significantly using "Pattern based Brute-force Password Recovery" method. If you know that password is of certain length and also remember few characters then you can specify that pattern for brute force cracking. For example, assume that you have set the master password of length 12 and it begins with 'fire' and ends with '123' then command will look like below

Read our complete 'License & Disclaimer' policy here. Acknowledgement Thanks to the Mozilla-Firefox crew for making such an excellent, beautiful, free browser.Thanks to everyone who shared their experience with FireMaster through their valuable feedbacks and suggestions. Release History Version 7.0: 10th Jan 2017Important release with the major fix to brute force password recovery operation. Version 6.5: 19th Aug 2016Major 2016 edition with support for latest Firefox version on Windows 10. Version 6.0: 1st Aug 2015Integrated Uninstaller into Windows Add/Remove Programs, now you can uninstall it in a standard way. Also added feature for dynamically downloading latest version Version 5.6: 26th July 2012Fixed the problem with checking for empty Master Password during initialization. Version 5.5: 22nd May 2012Fixed critical bug in Dictionary & Hybrid Crack with first character missing. Thanks to josebautista for reporting the error. Version 5.2: 27th Apr 2012Fixed minor bugs in UI and messages, Works well with latest version of Firefox v11. Version 5.1: 11th Sep 2011Tested successfully with latest version of Firefox v6.0.2. Fixed the issue with silent mode operation. Version 5.0: 20th July 2011Automatically discover default Firefox profile path, Support for showing up larger numbers & total time, Silent mode with no verbose messages and prompts - good for scripting & few bug fixes and better of display of intermediate results. Version 4.5: 15th Nov 2010Installer for local Installation & Uninstallation of the software. Few usability interface related changes. Version 4.0: 8th Jan 2010Support for Windows 7. Error messages are now shown clearly in RED. Few bug fixes and security changes. Version 3.5: 22nd Aug 2009Resolved the compatibility problem with latest Firefox version 3.5. Now FireMaster dynamically detects the Firefox version and recovers the master password accordingly. Version 3.1: 28th Sep 2008Fixed the bug in recovering the master password for Iceweasel which is browser derived from Firefox. Version 3.0: 29th July 2008Support for Firefox version 3.0, now you can recover the master password of latest version of Firefox. The differences in reading the Firefox key database file is resolved. Kudos to the Firefox crew for yet another beautiful version of Firefox...! Version 2.5: 22nd March 2008Pattern based brute force password recovery method is implemented which reduces the time considerably when certain part of the password is already known. Also minimum length of password can be specified which improves the recovery time greatly. Usage is simplified by forcing one crack method at a time and providing better meaningful options. Fixed the bug in displaying statistics and now it displays the remaining time accurately based on the current speed which is computed dynamically. Thanks for your suggestions and feedbacks... Version 2.2: 8th July 2006FireMaster source code is released under GPL v2. Version 2.1: 18th June 2006Tested successfully with latest version of Firefox.Statistics display during the operation is improved. Version 2.0: 25th Feb 2006First public release of FireMaster SOURCE code.Now it works at amazing speed of 50k passwords per second on normal m/c.Firefox library dependency is removed completely.For brute force, speed and time is displayed during operation.Lots of optimizations and few bug fixes.Thanks to 'T Barton' for reporting the bug with 1.5 version. Version 1.5: 14th Jan 2006Bug in parsing key3.db fixed.Displaying results during recovery operation.Speed is doubled compared to the original version. Version 1.0: 1st Jan 2006First public release of FireMaster. Download FireMaster FREE Download FireMaster v7.0License : Freeware

Platform : Windows XP, 2003, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 be457b7860

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