International Youth Forum on

Human Rights and UN SDG's

Dear all,

This is to notify you that our conference on International Youth Forum on Human Rights and UN’s SDG’s 2017 (IYFNepal2017), which is to be held on March 24th and 25th 2017 has been postponed to the date May 26th and 27th 2017. We do apologize for the inconvenience caused but we had to postpone it due to clash on same date of our partner organization’s summit.

We are very hopeful that your interest is still on excitement and would be the same until May. We are anticipating your presence for the forum and would soon define you other technical details to attend the forum.

We will reply to all after reviewing all the applications within 10 working days. Until then we hope for your patience and enthusiasm.

Thank you

Best Regards,

Organizing Committee,

IYFNepal 2017.


The forum will discuss ways in which young people can play an active role in the implementation of UN's Sustainable Development Goals and Human Rights. It also addresses how youth can best communicate on the agenda, bringing on board the innovative use of social media and communication tools. Delegates from different countries will present their successful projects for the discussion.

This Youth Forum tends to gather youth leaders from as many countries as possible. It will be a platform for youth to engage in dialogue with experts from different entity and contribute to policy formulation on global Human Rights and Sustainable Development.


This forum is organised by Youth for Human Rights Nepal, official representative organisation for Youth for Human Rights International to coordinate activities in Nepal.


This two-day event plans to feature brainstorming town-hall sessions, interactive panels and discussions with experts, providing youth representatives with an opportunity to voice their opinion, share ideas, and to think together about specific issues of relevance to youth in the context of implementing the Sustainable Development to create peaceful world.

17 Goals to Transform Our World

2016 presents an unprecedented opportunity to bring the countries and citizens of the world together to embark on a new path to improve the lives of people everywhere.

Countries have adopted a new sustainable development agenda and global agreement on climate change. Explore this site to find out more about the efforts of the UN and its partners to build a better world with no one left behind.


Speakers and Panelists


Founder President

Youth for Human Rights International

Mr. Andrew Chalmers

President for South Asia Region

Youth for Human Rights International

Mr Rahul KC

President for Nepal

Youth for Human Rights International & IYFNepal2017

Er. Datchana Moorthy

Fellow at Royal Commonwealth Society and Advisory Board Member at The Global Education Conference.

Organizing committee IYFNepal2017

Mrs. Pradipta kadambari

Educator, Social Worker,

C. E. O for Nepal School of Social work.

Mr. Sagar sathish

State Youth Awardee (Govt of karanataka) ,

Founder of MAANAVA

Mr. Pujan Mani Rai

Majoring in Economics from Princeton University Currently working on World Bank & Asian Development Bank Resident Mission

more updates COMING Soon !!!!