IWMMA 2022
The Eleventh International Workshop on Mathematical Models and their Applications, Krasnoyarsk, the Russian Federation, November 22-24, 2022
The Eleventh International Workshop on Mathematical Models and their Applications (IWMMA 2022) will provide an international forum for the presentation of original results in mathematical modeling for software- and hardware applications in various fields. It will stimulate lively discussions among researchers as well as industrialists.
Papers may discuss theories, applications, evaluation, limitations, general tools and techniques. Discussion papers that critically evaluate approaches or processing strategies and prototype demonstrations are especially welcome.
The workshop will cover a broad set of research topics including, but not limited to:
Mathematical models and their applications
Mathematical modelling techniques
Optimization techniques, incl. multi-criterion optimization and decision making support
Hybrid methods of mathematical modelling and optimization in complex systems
Data mining and knowledge discovery
Machine learning
Pattern recognition
Learning in evolutionary algorithms
Genetic programming
Artificial neural networks
Computational intelligence and its applications
Bio-inspired and swarm intelligence
Text/Web/Data mining
Human-Computer Interaction
Natural language processing
Applications in engineering, natural sciences, social sciences, computer science, etc.
All papers will be double-blind peer reviewed by at least two members of the program committee. All papers accepted and presented at the workshop will appear in the Conference Proceedings and will be will be published in the EpSBS - European Proceedings (UK), indexed by Web of Science (Core Collection).