IV Siembra-HoLAGrav Young Frontiers Meeting
September 4th - 6th 2023 via Zoom
Siembra-HoLAGrav is a network of Latin American physicists working on holography and gravity.
The 4th Siembra-HoLAGrav Young Frontiers Meeting seeks to bring young researchers to the frontier of the current understanding of Holography, Gravity, Theoretical High Energy Physics, and related topics. Hence, generating a collaborative environment for young researchers, postdocs, and PhDs to discuss recent development, engage in discussions and generate new collaborations. We strongly encourage the participation of faculty members, this should be considered a sign of support for the new generation of researchers.
The meeting will be held online via Zoom.
Ignacio A. Reyes (Amsterdam U.)
The quantum properties of relativistic stars
Oscar Fuentealba (Brussels U., PTM)
Lectures on the asymptotic structure of spacetime
Lucía Córdova (CERN)
Bootstrapping Quantum Field Theories (Plenary Talk)
Juan F. Pedraza (Madrid, IFT)
Gravity from optimized computation (Plenary Talk)
3 x (50+10) min lectures for each of the two topics
50+10 min colloquium for each of the two topics
25+5 min talks
Gong show
Daniel Ávila (México U., ICN)
Mariana Carrillo González (Imperial Coll., London)
Alejandra Castro (Cambridge U., DAMTP)
Kristiansen Lara (CECs)
Robinson Mancilla (UC, Santa Barbara)