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The standard for infertility is one year after getting married

People often say, "I've been married for three years," "I've been married for five years," and "I still have no children. What should I do to check for infertility?"

Unfortunately, the answer is, "I'm almost infertile, even without tests."

It is generally said that if you are about to get married and do not use contraception and have a normal married life, about 70% will be pregnant in half a year, 90% in one year and 100% in two years. It is natural to say, "I can do it if I stop contraception" and "I was in trouble because I had another child without birth control." The word “why don't you have a child?” Of ordinary people-this may be insensitive, but it is a very natural question. However, people with infertility are very hurt because they can't do it even if they try hard.

But infertility is a syndrome, not a disease. "Syndrome" is a word that refers to a person who has a certain symptom, regardless of the cause or cause, even if the reason is unknown. Best IVF Center in Jaipur

So for whatever reason, people who can't have children are called infertility. There may be a cause on the part of the husband, but in general, it is generally defined as "infertility if there is no child for one year without contraception" .