Ivar Padrón-Hernández

I am an assistant professor in management at the Institute of Innovation Research at Hitotsubashi University. In my research, I explore interactions between the global and the local, with a special focus on often unwritten rules and codes of behavior.

For my doctoral dissertation, I conducted over 100 hours of interviews to explore and explain how subsidiaries of multinational enterprises balance conflicting expectations from corporate headquarters and domestic stakeholders. In recent research, I complement interviews with natural language processing techniques to collect and analyze large amounts of text.

My work has been presented at various international conferences, including AIB, AOM, EGOS and SMS. I have received several awards for my research and reviewing, including the 2020 Grigor McClelland Doctoral Dissertation Award. My dissertation was also a finalist for the AOM IM Division D'Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University Dissertation Award and the ISPIM Innovation Management Dissertation Award.

I am not active on social media but open for inquiries through E-mail.

