Ivar Padrón-Hernández

I am an assistant professor in management at the Institute of Innovation Research at Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo, Japan. A recurring theme in my research is how organizations challenge unwritten rules and codes of behavior, often across national borders.

For my doctoral dissertation, I conducted over 100 hours of interviews to explore and explain how foreign subsidiaries of multinational enterprises balance and reconciliate conflicting expectations from corporate headquarters and local stakeholders. In recent research, I complement interviews with natural language processing to analyze large amounts of text such as meeting minutes, social media posts and news articles.

My research and reviewing have received several awards, including the 2020 Grigor McClelland Doctoral Dissertation Award. My dissertation was also a finalist for the Academy of Management International Management Division D'Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University Dissertation Award and the ISPIM Innovation Management Dissertation Award.

I do not use social media but am more than open to discuss opportunities for joint research, visiting positions, student supervision, corporate presentations, societal outreach, etc. through E-mail at padron@iir.hit-u.ac.jp.

Research themes, articles and ideas

Institutional management of multinational corporations: How global firms actively challenge and respond to societal pressures in international markets.

Intra-firm influence of foreign subsidiaries: How subsidiaries within multinational corporations exert influence within the firm to alter organizational outcomes.

Category innovation: How organizations maintain and challenge labels and classifications.

Logics management: How organizations handle multiple conflicting frameworks of social order.

News discourse of trade agreements: Natural text analysis of Japanese news reporting on the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement. One-off project funded by the Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation.

Miscellaneous research

Other projects not tied to any broader research agenda.

Full CV
