Iulia M. Comșa


I have grapheme-colour synesthesia. I want to write more about it at some point, but for now, here is a very rough quickly-written summary of my experiences.

Most letters have colours. Words have the colour of their letters - usually the first letter. Digits have colours and genders. Numbers have the colour of their digits, with the most significant digit coming first. The colours belong to the concept, not the form itself; for example, the heian katas 1-5 have the colours of the corresponding digits.

I see numbers on a mental non-linear scale that goes from bottom right to top left. 

I see the months of the year on a slightly tilted oval, with the winter months on top.

I also have several other irregular types of synesthesia. For example, some sounds (I think especially pure sinusoidal waves) sound like lamps, and vice-versa. The slow tate-shuto-uke in gojushiho sho is like a parenthesis. 

I have very vivid dreams. I used to have lucid dreams as a child. I have semi-lucid dreams as an adult too.

I once performed a psilocybin experiment on myself, which is documented here.