Iulia M. Comșa


This is a non-exhaustive list.

Books: Luiza Textoris, Oglinzile, Norii, La Medeleni, Lorelei, Le Petit Prince, Sânziana, Crimă și pedeapsă, Flowers For Algernon, Un om sfârșit, Codex Seraphinianus, more

Writers: Petru Creția, Nichita Stănescu, Ionel Teodoreanu, Corin Braga, Ted Chiang

Philosophers: Ludwig Wittgenstein, Plato, David Chalmers 

Bands: Stars, The National, Pink Floyd

Music genres: postrock, indie & progressive rock, minimalist piano, classical music

Music albums: The Antlers - Hospice, Vama Veche - Am sa mă întorc bărbat

Film: The Fountain, The Tree of Life, La Science des rêves, Waking Life, Stalker, Pan's Labyrinth, Frequencies (OXV: The Manual), Last and First Men, The Grey

Series: Undone, Devs, Solos, The Guild

Ballet: Giselle

Video games: The Talos Principle, Dear Esther,  Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, The Swapper, Braid, Morrowind, Life is Strange, Impostor Factory, more

Game characters: Alexandra Drennan, Lynri Watts, Rachel Ambers, Jaina Proudmoore, Lux, Crystal Maiden

Fictional male characters: Marin Miroiu (Steaua Fără Nume), Chris Eriksen (Life is Strange)

Anime: 秒速5センチメートル, 君の名は, Wolf's Rain , Sailor Moon 

Film maker: Makoto Shinkai

Colour: purple (navy & pink)

Football team: Rapid

Folktale: the Chinese legend of the blue rose

Programming language: C++, LISP 

Visual artist: Pesare 

Other things I like:

People whose love illuminates my life: my husband and my parents