ICML-21 Workshop on Information-Theoretic Methods for Rigorous, Responsible, and Reliable Machine Learning

Call for Papers

We invite novel contributions that relate broadly to the theme of the conference. Suitable topics include but are not limited to information-theoretic techniques for:

  • Sample complexity bounds

  • ML robustness guarantees

  • Fair and/or private ML

  • Model compression and quantization

  • Distributed machine learning

  • ML-driven code and waveform design

Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline: May 24th June 1st AOE (Closed)

Decision Notification: July 1st

Camera Ready Paper Deadline: July 10th

Workshop Date: July 24th

Submission Instructions

Authors should upload a short paper of up to four pages, not counting references and supplementary material, to: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/ITR3ICML2021/

Please submit a single PDF in ICML format that includes the main paper and supplementary material. Submissions need not be anonymized. All submissions will be reviewed and will be evaluated on the basis of their technical content and relevance to the workshop. Accepted papers will be selected for either a short virtual poster session or a spotlight presentation.

Concurrent Submissions

ITR3 @ ICML-21 will not have a conference proceedings, so we welcome the submission of work currently under review at other archival ML venues. We also welcome the submission of work recently published in information theory venues (e.g. Transactions on Information Theory, ISIT, ITW) that may be of interest to an ML audience. However, we will not consider work recently published in or accepted to other archival ML venues (e.g. ICML main conference).