Introduction to Computing II
(Sections A, B, C)
Winter 2024

Object-oriented programming. Abstraction principles: information hiding and encapsulation. Linked lists, stacks, queues, binary search trees. Iterative and recursive processing of data structures. Virtual machines.

Prerequisite: ITI1120; 3 hours of lecture per week; 3 hours of lab per week; 3 credits.


Lecture Notes

The slides for the lectures and other documents will be made available on BrightSpace.  

A mapping between the pages of the different editions of the textbook can be found here (courtesy of Prof. Guy-Vincent Jourdan and Prof. Marcel Turcotte).

Assignments and Laboratories

The assignments, lab activities and exams are the same for Sections, A, B and C. 

Older Versions 

You can find previous years' slides, sample assignments and exams on Prof. Turcotte's course website. (Backup link)


We are using Piazza for class discussions. The system is meant to get you help fast and efficiently from your classmates, the TAs and myself. 

Please create an account and enroll as soon as possible, and go to our class page.