YOUR profile

Riasec Profiling

RIASEC profiling helps you to discover your interests and inclinations. Through this simple exercise, you'll be able to find out more about some careers that may suit you.

Click on this link to take a quick test to determine your RIASEC profile.

Remember that there are NO 'Right' or 'Wrong' answers.

Alternate printable test link.

WHAT's your code?

There are six personality themes in the RIASEC profile.

[R - Realistic, I - Investigative, A - Artistic, S - Social, E - Enterprising and C - Conventional)

After completing the profiling test, you will receive a unique score with three letters (e.g. ASE, RIC, SAE). The order of the letters indicates your strengths, with the 1st letter being your strongest personality trait.

Use the guide below as a reference on the type of courses and career paths that you might be suited for.

Please note that the RIASEC profiling tool is only a guide - the results you obtain do not mean that you are only suited for a particular vocation or industry. The RIASEC tool is merely meant to help you find out more about yourself.