hi, Thanks for providing me with the descriptions and setting! Also, thanks for adding self-voicing support! It is quite rare to find vns which support it fully. I did find two free tools here on itch.io which can help to add image descriptions to the game. I'm no programer, so i don't know if they'll work with this game.

Please note: After purchase, please redeem your key on the itch.io "My Purchase" page - it is a link that lets you create a game account to log in to the game. 

Vintage Story is an uncompromising wilderness survival sandbox game inspired by lovecraftian horror themes. Find yourself in a ruined world reclaimed by nature and permeated by unnerving temporal disturbances. Relive the advent of human civilization, or take your own path.


Download 🔥 https://urlca.com/2y4Bac 🔥

from what i understand is that if you buy it HERE the amount that is OVER the 18$ of the other site is what itch.io gets for selling it here so if you buy this on the OTHER site you buy DIRECTLY from the ones who made it so it is cheaper to buy from their site since they don't need to pay anyone else. i may be wrong.

Must be due to itch.io's cut. Same thing on Humble Bundle. The game is less expensive on their official website though, which will need to go to, regardless of where you buy, to activate your key, create a game account and download it.

Note that the itch.io version here is cheaper than the Steam version because it does not come with Steam Workshop support (Steam doesn't allow it!). Level editor and custom levels are still totally available, you just have to load the levels manually from a URL.

I'm glad you were able to pick it up from one of the other outlets. We tested everything out on our end and aren't able to get the same error, so perhaps it might be a little snag with itch.io that happened. 

A lot of the graphics are by iknowkingrabbit.itch.io/, the rest by me, KraftKraken or Krisys . Music and sound is currently being remastered by Lautaro Ario, but there's some by me and Tundralaks left.

All the language both prior and current says you will receive a Steam Key. After thinking about this more, this is absolutely fraud, and opens up both the dev and itch.io to problems with credit card processors if they should be alerted to this fraud.

I'm not going to log in to my steam account via itch.io. That is just way to sketchy. If you want to live up to your promise you should make the key available from my itch.io account page. Didn't expect much to be honest, but his is kind of dissapointing.

Note that the steam log in page states that "Note that thingonitsown.itch.io is not affiliated with Steam or Valve". Not saying that this is intentional, but I for one wont jepoardise my steam login to redeem an 18 dollar game.

I am just informing you that I ,as a consumer, do not trust a .io website with the log in details to my steam library containing x amount of dollars worth of games to unlock a purchase of 18 dollars. Especially when I am expressly warned by the steam log in that itch.io is not affiliated with steam. Steam log-ins were leaked some ten years ago because third party sites sold user data to hackers. Humble bundle and other sites are affiliated with steam and as such I trust them more than itch.io.

what are you talking about "dude"? you can redeem your key from inside your itch acc,..go to my library-> "download"->claim the key...then use that key to activate the game on your steam....you don't need to log in steam via itch.io lmao

Having grown up playing arcade machines at funfairs and games like "Tutti Frutti" on a C16, I appreciate your work and am going to buy the game when it's released on itch.io. I would like to ask you if an option could be included to turn off the time limit (or extending the time limit let's say by 5-10 sec with each mole you get off the screen) ?

It's being worked on every day and a typical mayor update is between 1.5 - 3 month. An update is first put out on itch.io as a separate "beta" version. It will be fixed and patched for a few weeks before going live.

Hi there. Thank you for letting me know about this issue. I am investigating what could be going on here. A couple questions: are you running the latest OS (Catalina)? And are you running the game through the itch.io app or directly from the files? Thanks and sorry this is happening. I'll get to the bottom of it, dang it. - Ben

The content is the same, don't worry! The prices might be different in different regions because the base price on itch.io is in USD and on Backerkit the base price is in CAD (Canadian dollars - I live in Canada and Kickstarter/Backerkit require me to use my own currency for the base price). Different sites use different currency conversion formulas, too, and the Euro may have lost value between then and now (North America is going through massive inflation issues). So the big difference is probably found in currency conversion formulas between USD/CAD/Euro. Please feel free to take advantage of whichever is the best deal for you, which it looks like you did!

NOTE: Chessplosion's online multiplayer functionality relies on Steamworks networking, so online multiplayer is only playable in the Steam version of the game. A Steam key for the game is included with your itch.io purchase.

If you have version 2.1.1b (you'll see the version number on the title screen), then you have the latest version (and we're not currently planning any future content updates). If not, go to your downloads page on itch.io and you'll find the latest version there (it should auto-update if you're using the itch.io client, otherwise you have to re-download the update manually).

I've played approximately 25 visual novels on itch.io, and Arcade Spirits is in the top 5, without a doubt. Each character had a personality that was fully fleshed out (Hamza was one of my favorites, I can't deny), which made emotional attachments that much easier to develop. 

I think about this game often, all the passion put into this game, how fleshed are the characters. I really loved the universe and the art of the game, it is really both original and beautiful. It has its own identity and I never find the atmosphere of this game again. I find myself lucky I found this gem on itch.io and can only recommend to everyone to play it asap.

I played the demo on my mac and it worked perfectly fine, so I then purchased the full game on steam however now it doesn't run at all. I applied for a refund on steam, but I would still like to purchase and play. If I purchase it again on itch.io will it work? Since it worked for the demo, I really want to play this game but I'm not sure whether to give it up since it won't run on steam - Steam says it might not run due to it being a 32-bit game, but my other 32-bit games run so it may just be a glitch since the demo did work. e24fc04721

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