Itamar Vigdorovich

I am a Phd student in Mathematics at the Weizmann Institute of Science.
My advisor is Uri Bader. Here is my CV.

I am a co-organizer of "Midrasha on Groups" (what is a Midrasha)?

Starting Fall 2024, I will be an NSF postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, San Diego, under the mentorship of Adrian Ioana


Character theory of infinite groups, with applications to rigidity and stability.  My research finds many connections to dynamical systems, operator algebras, geometric group theory, and geometry. I also have some interest and work in quantum information theory.  Here is my Research Summary



In preparation

M.Sc thesis


sometimes, I arrange and compose

An orchestral arrangement of a Pixies song.   Listen on Spotify. 

A family produced Joni Mitchel cover.

I often play Jazz with Tsachik Gelander