Alfa was the designation of an Italian ballistic missile program that started in 1971 under the control of the GRS (Gruppo di Realizzazione Speciale Interforze). It was related to the Polaris A-3 missile.

As a result... if youre trying to shoot down any plane beyond 250 metres with italian or japanese planes armed with 12.7mm machine guns, its extremely hard to aim them because at 300 metres they already fly much slower than even a Mk-108. Past 250 metres their penetration is so subpar weak that even when you do hit, they fail to penetrate and do like no damage.

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This screws over italian / japanese plane firepower capability and it also screws over italian and japanese bombers that rely on 12.7mm machine guns because you cant really seem to be able to hit anything...

Its ok buddy. Though I love your enthusiasm! They've been bug reported and apparently according to smin it's waiting on the historical consultant which in this case should be @L_Serra_Pilota if smin is telling the truth I don't know but it can be assumed. If you want links to the bug reports that can be arranged. I think it's good to have this topic to educate those who don't troll the Italian or japanese tree forum sections. The vickers mk.5 is ballistically nearly identical irl and you can see those in game as well.

This new toughened part will increase energy absorption in the event of an accident by up to 25%, and has been tested to withstand a 225g projectile striking a driver at 250km/h. The helmet has also undergone extensive military ballistic testing.

The Italians played a major role in managing the Jupiter deployment. The missiles were subject to a two-key launch control system, with U.S. and Italian launch officers each carrying one of the keys. This photo depicts a training lesson for members of the 36th Italian Air Brigade at Gioia del Colle. On the board next to the instructor are renditions of the Jupiter and its Ground Support Equipment in the launch position. (Source: Antonio Mariani, La 36 aerobrigata interdizione strategica. Il contributo italiano alla guerra fredda, Roma, Edizioni Rivista Aeronautica, 2022, 45. Used with permission.) 

The Sol-Air Moyenne Porte/Terrestre (SAMP/T) is a ground-based, road-mobile tactical ballistic missile defense system developed by Eurosam, which is co-owned by MBDA France and Italy and Thales Group. SAMP/T provides theater missile defense and can also protect important tactical sites, including airports and ports, from cruise missiles, manned and unmanned aircraft, and tactical ballistic missiles. It entered service in Italy and France in 2011.

SAMP/T has undergone operational testing in France and Italy since May 2008. In October 2010, the SAMP/T successfully intercepted a mock ballistic missile target. The French Air Force conducted a second successful intercept test in November 2011.3 It first entered service in Italy and France in 2011.4

Missile Threat brings together a wide range of information and analyses relating to the proliferation of cruise and ballistic missiles around the world and the air and missile defense systems designed to defeat them. Missile Threat is a product of the Missile Defense Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

"The PPA Full version will be able to embark and use the Aster 30 Block 1NT that is the anti-ballistic missile with the support of the radar system of the future LHD in terms of early warning detection" said Captain Esposito.

The long range detection of ballistic missiles will be realized with the L-band AESA radar based on gallium nitride (GaN) technology which allows the radar to have better performance in terms of range. The missile tracking capability will be provided by the C-band element of the new dual-band radar developed especially by Leonardo for the PPA.

An MBDA Italy representative explained that PPA Full will be able to detect and engage ballistic missiles on their own or in cooperation with other early warning sources via Link 16. He added that PPA Light+ variant could potentially have that BMD capability but the first real BMD capable ship for the Italian Navy will be the first PPA Full variant to be delivered in 2024.

For reference: The SAMP/T anti-missile defence system is designed to protect the battlefield and important targets from cruise missiles, manned and unmanned aerial vehicles and tactical ballistic missiles.

The Aster 30 Block 1 missile previously used only in French and Italian land systems, will help the Royal Navy combat the increasing threats posed by anti-ship ballistic missiles at sea by developing the missile into a maritime variant. The French Navy (Marine Nationale) and Italian Navy (Marina Militare) are also switching to the new missile for their Horizon type air defense destroyers, FREMM frigates and for the Italian PPA Light Plus and PPA Full.

A single gunshot (or multiple) does (do) not necessarily lead to immediate loss of consciousness or rapid neurological deficits, so the victim may be able to repeatedly pull the trigger before achieving the lethal effect. Despite multiple gunshot wounds can lead to the suspicious participation of other person to the death of the victim, in the medico-legal literature suicides with multiple gunshot wounds are reported, demonstrating the ability of the victim to act after two or more gunshots. In this case, a 47-years-old man was found dead in a pool of blood in the kitchen of his house. According to findings and analysis, the victim modified a single-shot, pneumatic toy gun branded "Condor" Cal. 7 mm (a gun that is made mainly with "ZAMAK" zinc-based alloy, designed to shoot one soft-polymer bullet at a time, with an initial kinetic energy lower than 1 Joule) into an improvised firearm weapon. With this gun, the victim achieved shooting of two bullets into his head, both entering from the right temporal region of his head, with one stopped in the left occipital lobe and the other one in the left temporal lobe. His death was caused by cranium-meningo-encephalic gunshot wounds. The conditions supporting the hypothesis that the victim was able to fire two shots to his head before the onset of incapacitation (the type of bullets used, the location of injuries and their consequences) and the characteristics that typically allow to distinguish the manner of death (suicide vs homicide) were evaluated. Based on all the collected elements, it was possible to confirm that suicide was the manner of death. This case underlines the importance of evaluating all available elements (post-mortem imaging, autopsy and toxicological findings, ballistics and neuropathological evaluations) to distinguish suicide from homicide and to prevent incorrect conclusions.

This core aim is based on the principles of indivisibility of Allied security and NATO solidarity, equitable sharing of risks and burdens, as well as reasonable challenge. It also takes into account the level of threat, affordability and technical feasibility, and is in line with the latest common threat assessments agreed by the Alliance. Should international efforts reduce the threats posed by ballistic missile proliferation, NATO missile defence can, and will, adapt accordingly.

Effective ballistic missile defence capabilities serve to complicate hostile planning for potential adversaries. They could also provide valuable decision-making space in times of crisis by giving civilian and military leaders more time to determine an appropriate response to a threat. Ballistic missile defence can complement the role of nuclear weapons in deterrence; it cannot substitute for them.

November 2002

At the Prague Summit, Allied Leaders task a missile defence feasibility study to examine options for protecting Alliance forces, territory and populations against the full range of ballistic missile threats.

October 2011

Spain and the United States announce an agreement to host US Aegis ships in the port of Rota, Spain, as another US contribution to NATO's ballistic missile defence capability.


Between 2003 and 2013, in the framework of the NATO-Russia Council (NRC), NATO and Russia engaged in discussions related to Theatre Ballistic Missile Defence (TBMD), including assessing possible levels of interoperability among TBMD systems of NATO Allies and Russia. In 2013, Russia unilaterally suspends discussions on missile defence in the NRC framework. In response to the illegal and illegitimate annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014, NATO suspends all practical cooperation with Russia, including on ballistic missile defence.

The sandwich glass ballistic test shows some repetitive phenomena. There is a crater surrounded by a plasticized area with a flexural behavior. In the panel central area there is an energy storage and a following energy discharge; out of the central impact area the energy storage is negligible and there is a draw behavior; there is also a panel stiffening. The question is now how to use these results. New tests on the same panel would not add anything to what known so far. But the same kind of tests on different panels makes it possible to compare the different panel behaviors not only from a global point of view, but also from a local point of view. The measurement of the maximum acceleration and strain peaks, of the area interested by the energy storage and discharge, of the panel stiffening after the impact, can give useful directions for the design to the manufacturers, and for the choice of a most apt sandwich glass to the purchasers (the Italian Railroad).

In addition to direct observations made by people living on the island, and to the scientific literature studying the topic, the information collected by military personnel on duty at the lighthouse of Stromboli greatly improved the completeness of the historical record of ME&P and deserves special attention85,108. The Labronzo lighthouse was located 200 m to the East of Sciara del Fuoco, in sight of the craters (Fig. 1). Informally, the scientific observations made by the military personnel of the lighthouse started before 1890. A more detailed monitoring service became institutional in 1898 after an agreement between the Observatory of Catania and the Italian Navy107,110. The Great Calabrian Earthquake of 1905 severely damaged the lighthouse, and the military personnel moved to a temporary edifice out of sight of the craters until 1915. However, the reports continued, thanks to frequent and regular scouting hikes95,109. Then, the old lighthouse building was garrisoned in 1916, but unoccupied in 1919102,104. A large ballistic projectile destroyed the building in 19302,74,115. The daily observations made by the military continued until 1939, when the government suspended them due to lack of personnel. This monitoring service was restored and operative again between 1953 and 1958 and then definitely interrupted51,53. be457b7860

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