Integrated Physics, Calculus and Engineering

An understanding of many issues in engineering requires a firm grounding in classical mechanics. An important part of practical wisdom is the ability to using calculus and computational modeling for solving mechanics problems. In this project, a few active learning modules ("Integrated Physics, Calculus and Engineering" and  "Calculus Assessment and Computational Modeling in Teaching General Physics I (Mechanics)) are developed that may be integrated into introductory calculus-based mechanics. The modules would review the mathematics (from quadratic equations to integrals) which arises during the lectures. The review of mathematics would allow undergraduate students to refresh their mathematical and computational skills and observe how to apply it in physics. It also offers different engineering problems related to the studied topics that can be potentially solved by a computer. The modules are designed in the spirit of KEEN's mission that is committed to instilling an entrepreneurial mindset. 

This project is sponsored by Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN) and all developed materials can be found on its website