Steps the Government Taking to Ensure Growth in Science and Technology

There is no denying that Indian as a country has been making leaps when it comes to science and technology. There have been a number of innovations and initiatives that further accelerate Science-based organizations across India.

Recently, the SERB declared an Inter-ministerial scientific content Initiative for a similar effort, named ‘Accelerate Vigyan Scheme’. The Indian Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) is a legal body that functions under the Department of Science and Technology that looks after such efforts.

Under this, they plan to offer a major push to any industry working with high-end scientific research. In addition to that, it will also help gather and prepare enough scientific manpower that can help venture into the knowledge-based economy and other research careers.

Objectives Of Accelerate Vigyan Scheme

The sole objective of this scheme is to enhance the research base of the country. It will help widen the reach, which can eventually allow better research career support to interested students. The three main goals of the Accelerate Vigyan scheme are as follows:

  • Initiate and promote high-end orientation workshops

  • Gather and consolidate science training programs

  • Create better prospects for research internships

Under this scheme, SERB has been interested in applications from Science administrators and Faculty who either work in central institutions or have high learning like IISc, IITs, NITs and IISER’S. Other preferred laboratories and institutions include ICAR, CSIR, and ICMR. These people are recruited to help organise high-end workshops ‘KARYASHALA’ or help with acquiring research internships ‘VRITIKA’ in their Abhyaas program.

Who Can Apply For This Program?

This program falls under the AV scheme and aims to enhance the Research and Development sector in the country. It will groom and train potential PhD and PG students by inculcating dedicated research skills in their specific fields and disciplines.

This is where the two workshops mentioned above, KARYASHALA and VRITIKA are necessary. It provides the researchers who have limited opportunities and resources a level playing platform, along with learning capabilities, infrastructure and other facilities.

Along with that, the Event organiser's institutions will provide for the necessary daily expenses like stationery, consumables, food and even accommodation. This is ensured through the SERB funding support.

In Conclusion

To say the least, such ventures from a centrally funded and managed system have really been able to bring about a change in the country's effort. With such programs, not only are researchers and scientists gaining accreditation, but they are also able to find better and newer prospects in the industry. This has further led to a rapid shift in the younger generation's interests and mindset.

Any candidate wanting to apply can register to such programs through the government’s official India Science Technology and Innovation Portal. Along with the easy registration process, you can also find more information and other guidelines about similar programs and interest EOs. Rest assured, with such programs; the country will only better it's standing when it comes to science and technology.