ISQM 2022論文徵稿

Call for Papers

徵文範圍 Topics of Interest


The symposium and conference meeting invites academicians, practitioners and professionals to share valuable findings in the broad areas of quality engineering and management. The symposium and conference meeting provides an interactive forum where participants discuss the current status, challenges and future directions of quality development under new technologies. The areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • ESG and Sustainable Development

  • Smart Manufacturing

  • Digital Manufacturing

  • Process Quality Control with AI

  • IoT and Quality

  • Smart Healthcare

  • Smart Agriculture

  • Reliability Engineering and Testing

  • Total Quality Management (TQM)

  • Statistical Quality Control (SQC)

  • Quality Engineering

  • Service Quality Management

  • New Retail Service

  • Service Innovation

  • Service Technology Application

  • Quality in Supply Chain

  • Data Analysis

  • Big Data Applications

投稿須知Submission Info

  • Word格式撰寫,最多8頁,中英文均可 (英文尤佳),詳細投稿須知與格式請參閱論文投稿

All manuscript must be written in Chinese or English (English will be better) in Microsoft (MS) Word format. The manuscript should be no more than 8 pages. Please see "Submission"

  • 本研討會論文將擇優推薦至JOQ (EI) 期刊,通過審查後將收錄於專刊中。

The selected papers will be recommended for possible publication in the JOQ journal (EI).

重要日期Important Dates

  • 論文摘要繳交|展延至2022 年 8 月 30 日(二)

Deadline for Abstract Submission Aug 30, 2022

  • 摘要接受通知|展延至2022 年 99 日()

Notification of Abstract Acceptance Sept. 9, 2021

  • 論文全文繳交|展延至2022 年 9 月 30 日(一)

Deadline for Full Paper Submission Sept. 30, 2022

  • 全文接受通知|2022 年 10 月 07 日(五)

Notification of Full Paper Acceptance Oct. 07 , 2022

  • 報名截止|2022年 10 月 14 日(五)

Registration Deadline Oct. 14, 2022

  • 大會暨研討會舉辦|2022 年 11 月 5 日(六)

Conference & Presentation Nov. 5, 2022

論文投稿聯絡人 Contact Person


張衍伶小姐|049-2563489轉1638 Email:

聚陽產學應用論文獎獎項介紹 7th Makalot Academia-Industry Collaboration Award



「聚陽產學應用論文獎」由聚陽人文發展教育基金會贊助設立,於民國105年首度辦理,深獲迴響。為獎勵產學應用相關研究更為精進,本獎項將由投稿至「國際品質管理研討會」(ISQM 2022)並獲選發表之論文中,選出產學應用層面優異的9篇論文予以獎勵,並保障遴選至少2篇為紡織成衣產業相關之論文。

申獎方式 How to Apply

  • 為獎勵實務性產學研究價值,能從應用研究於產業實質層面,使理論與實務間能有效結合,將由2022國際品質管理研討會(ISQM)獲評選接受發表之論文中,選出產學應用層面優異的9篇論文予以獎勵,其中至少2個紡織成衣業名額。

Submitted papers accepted will be published at a session arranged by the conference committee. Excellent papers in the field will be selected and awarded by MAKALOT Art & Science Foundation. (2 guarantees for textile papers)

  • 由本學會組成委員會審查,並於111年11月5日年會大會活動中頒獎。若經評審決議,無適當人選時得以從缺。

名額及獎勵 Quota and Rewards

第一名:頒給獎狀一紙,獎金三萬元,計一篇 First Prize: Scholarship NT$30,000 and a certificate of award

第二名:頒給獎狀一紙,獎金二萬元,計一 Second Prize: Scholarship NT$20,000 and a certificate of award

第三名:頒給獎狀一紙,獎金一萬元,計一篇 Third Prize: Scholarship NT$10,000 and a certificate of award

佳 作:頒給獎狀一紙,獎金五仟元,計六篇 Superior Prize: Scholarship NT$5,000 and a certificate of award