In June, she took to the social network to pledge that "finding Jihadists in Texas and arresting them" and purging the state "of all Muslim, military training camps including Imam's [sic] who promote, assist and encourage Jihad" would be among her top priorities as a legislator.

For now, at least, it remains unclear what tangible benefits such groups gain from pledging allegiance to ISIS, but at least one factor could be financial support. With the millions it has made through oil production and kidnapping ransoms, ISIS has more money than it can spend, according to Berger, who noted recent reports of ISIS offering money in exchange for pledges.

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The purpose of this study is to present a framework regarding the use of Sharah non-compliant assets as rahn (pledge) and to provide the Sharah analysis on the application of numerous collateral instruments, including financial assets such as shares, unit trusts, current accounts and investment accounts which are Sharah non-compliant.

The study adopts a library-based approach to examine the concept and requirements of rahn, deliberate the classification of Sharah non-compliant assets and delineate the Sharah views on the use of Sharah non-compliant assets as pledges. It also examines the various forms of pledge available and offered in the market using document analysis as well as through discussion with industry practitioners.

In general, the study concludes that Sharah non-compliant assets, either due to their essence or due to the means of acquisition where there is no ownership from Sharah perspective, cannot be used as rahn. This study also provides the Sharah analysis on the use of modern instruments such as shares, unit trusts, current accounts, investment accounts and insurance policy as pledges.

Hussain, L. and Ali, M.M. (2017), "Sharah non-compliant assets as rahn (pledge) in Islamic banking products: a fiqh perspective", ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance, Vol. 9 No. 2, pp. 196-199. -08-2017-0018

The study is library-based, benefitting from various classical sources, Qurnic texts and Prophetic traditions to reach a cohesive understanding of the Sharah position pertaining to the use of prohibited assets as rahn. It also looks into fatwas, resolutions, standards and other related literature. The study further examines the various forms of pledge available and offered in the market using document analysis as well as discussion with industry practitioners.

The study finds that Sharah non-compliant assets in relation to their use as rahn are categorized into two major types: first is the asset prohibited in its essence (li dhtih) and second is the asset prohibited due to an external reason, namely, the means of its acquisition (li kasbih). The former refers to an asset that the Sharah has prohibited due to an essential attribute (waf). In other words, it is an asset prohibited in its essence because it is harmful or unclean. This category includes pork, wine and other impure items. Jurists unanimously agree that these items cannot be used as a pledge. The second category of Sharah non-compliant assets is further subdivided into four classes, namely:an asset acquired without the consent of the owner;

Based on the established Sharah framework presented in the paper, the study concludes that a conventional fixed deposit can be used as a pledge limited to the principal amount. In this regard, the Sharah Standards and Operational Requirements of Murabahah issued by BNM also states that an interest-bearing debt-based asset such as a conventional fixed deposit certificate may be used as collateral provided the collateral is valued up to the principal amount (BNM, 2016, p. 17).

An insurance policy can be accepted as a pledge limited to the total amount of premiums the policyholder has paid. This is because the insurance company does not have a right to the premium paid by the policyholders, whereas the policyholders have no right to the coverage. Therefore, the policyholder cannot use the insurance policy as a pledge due to the absence of ownership rights associated with it. However, he can use the benefit of the insurance policy as a pledge up to the amount of the premiums he has paid.

This framework has been developed based on the fundamental Sharah ruling on rahn. Other considerations, such as malaah (benefit/interest), jah (need), dharah (means), that may form a basis to depart from its original ruling are put aside and left to the discretion of the respective Sharah authorities on a case-by-case basis. The paper acknowledges the possible gap between the established framework and the prevailing practices. This is particularly true because the paper only deals with the issue of collateral that has the characteristics of a pledge. Further studies may examine each and every form of collateral available in the market such as debentures, charges, assignments, securities and others.

All speakers emphasized that the protest movement is alive and strong in Iran and it needs support from democratic countries. They pledged to work for a new form of government that would be democratic, secular and bring equality, justice and progress to Iran.

As a profession, medicine has dealt with these moral issues. The physician, because of his/her special status, acts for the good of the patient. The nature of the physician's job requires moral conduct and accountability. Our concepts of ethics have been derived from religions, philosophies, and cultures. The oaths or pledges that we take or swear allegiance to act as guidelines to a moral dilemma. The doctrines in the oaths allow doctors, patients, and families to generate a treatment plan without any conflict.

BEIRUT, June 29 (Reuters) - An offshoot of al Qaeda which has captured territory in Iraq and Syria has declared itself an Islamic "caliphate" and called on factions worldwide to pledge their allegiance, a statement posted on Islamist websites and Twitter said on Sunday.

"It is incumbent upon all Muslims to pledge allegiance to (him) and support him...The legality of all emirates, groups, states, and organizations, becomes null by the expansion of the khalifah's authority and arrival of its troops to their areas," the statement said.

Joint Statement by President Bush and President Rahmonov on the Relationship Between the United States and the Republic of Tajikistan

 We declare our commitment to continue the development of ourlong-term strategic partnership and cooperation between our nations,based on our common goal of promoting peace, security, economicdevelopment, and democracy in the Republic of Tajikistan and in CentralAsia. We note the deepening relationship between our two countries,demonstrated by the appointment of the first Tajik Ambassador inWashington and the beginning of construction for a new U.S. Embassy inDushanbe. This growing relationship is based on our common goals ofsecurity, prosperity, and liberty for the citizens of our nations. Wewill continue to work together to advance these goals throughcooperation on economic and political reform and poverty reduction inTajikistan, with the aim of more fully integrating the Republic ofTajikistan into the global economy and raising the standard of livingand respect for human rights. Further, we will maintain our securityrelationship, working together to combat threats to peace worldwidewhile further developing Tajikistan's independent ability to addressthese threats. We are cognizant of the threats that international terrorism, theproliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and narcotics traffickingpose to Tajikistan, to Central Asia and to the entire world, and willwork together and with others to address these threats while respectinghuman rights. Further, we pledge to continue the war against terror toa successful conclusion, both in Afghanistan and worldwide. Werecognize the threat that the Taliban and al-Qa'ida posed to regionalsecurity and the key role Tajikistan plays in the global coalitionagainst terror. We have worked together closely, and will continue todo so, to combat the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan and other extremistforces in Central Asia. We welcome the removal of the Taliban frompower in Afghanistan, while noting with concern the presence of Talibanand Al-Qa'ida remnants that wish to continue to destabilize theregional situation. Our two countries pledge to support theTransitional Islamic State of Afghanistan in its efforts to rebuildthat country and integrate it into the broader internationalstructure. We will make all necessary efforts to facilitate theprovision of aid to Afghanistan, and urge our global partners in thiseffort to fulfill their pledges of reconstruction aid. We jointly note the threat that the proliferation of weapons ofmass destruction poses to international peace and security, and declareour steadfast opposition to such proliferation. In this regard, wecommend the United Nations Security Council for its unanimous passageof Resolution 1441, and call on the Government of Iraq to comply fullywith the terms of the resolution by allowing unfettered inspections anddestroying all of its weapons of mass destruction. Recognizing the importance of democratic political systems, rule oflaw, and market-oriented economic policies in providing for the welfareand stability of our societies, we pledge to further develop theeconomic relationship between the United States and the Republic ofTajikistan, while working jointly to carry out democratic and legalreforms within Tajikistan that expand fundamental freedoms and humanrights. We further underscore the importance of rule of law as aprerequisite for economic development. The United States welcomes theefforts Tajikistan has made to integrate its economy into the globalmarket, and will continue to assist Tajikistan in reforming its legalstructures to better provide for rule of law and economic freedom withthe goal of encouraging investment in the Republic of Tajikistan. We state our commitment to the principles of democracy and humanrights, and pledge to work jointly to extend and strengthen civicinstitutions such as free and independent media, democratic elections,political pluralism, and civil society. In this spirit, we reaffirmour commitment to basic human rights as enshrined in the foundingdocuments of the United Nations and the Organization for Security andCooperation in Europe, of which we are both members. We further makeclear our concern regarding the worldwide problem of trafficking inpersons, and pledge our mutual assistance to combat in both of ourcountries this modern form of slavery. Finally, we confirm our jointefforts to enhance understanding between the citizens of our twocountries. In this regard, the U.S. government has initiated asubstantial program to enhance computer connectivity for Tajikistan'sschools, and the U.S. Peace Corps will consider sending an assessmentteam to Tajikistan in 2003 with the view of establishing a countryprogram there.# # # 17dc91bb1f

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