BubBowl: Display Vessel Using Electrolysis Bubbles in Drinkable Beverages

Research was conducted regarding a display that presents digital information using bubbles. Conventional bubble displays require moving parts, because it is common to use air taken from outside of the water to represent pixels. However, it is difficult to increase the number of pixels at a low cost. We propose a liquid-surface display using pixels of bubble clusters generated from electrolysis, and present the cup-type device BubBowl, which generates a 10×10 pixel dot matrix pattern on the surface of a beverage. Our technique requires neither a gas supply from the outside nor moving parts. Using the proposed electrolysis method, a higher-resolution display can easily be realized using a PCB with a higher density of matrix electrodes.Moreover, the method is simple and practical, and can be utilized in daily life, such as for presenting information using bubbles on the surface of coffee in a cup.



石井 綾郁, 椎尾 一郎, 電気分解気泡による液体表面への情報表示, コンピュータ ソフトウェア, 2020, 37 巻, 4 号, p. 4_64-4_75 [link]

Ayaka Ishii and Itiro Siio. 2019. BubBowl: Display Vessel Using Electrolysis Bubbles in Drinkable Beverages. In Proceedings of the 32nd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 619-623. [doi]

石井 綾郁, 椎尾 一郎, BubBowl: 電気分解を利用したカップ型泡ディスプレイ, 第 27 回インタラクティブシステムとソフトウェアに関するワークショップ(WISS2019) 論文集, pp. 91–96

石井 綾郁,椎尾 一郎,“電気分解を利用した泡ディスプレイ”,情報処理学会インタラクション2019論文集,pp.215-220