Web Page of Shingo Ishiguro
Shingo Ishiguro
Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University
Maling address: 1-7 Machikaneyama, Toyonaka, Osaka 560 0043, Japan
e-mail: ishiguro"at"econ.osaka-u.ac.jp (replace "at" by @)
Research interests: Contract Theory, Economics of Organziations
"Moral Hazard and Subjective Evaluation" (joint with Yosuke Yasuda), Journal of Economic Theory, 209, April 2023.
"Management Cycles", Economic Theory, 73(1): 257 - 300, February 2022.
“Relationships and Growth: On the Dynamic Interplay between Relational Contracts and Competitive Markets in Economic Development,” Review of Economic Studies, 83 (2): 629-657, 2016.
“On the Optimality of Multi-tier Hierarchies: Coordination and Motivation” (joint with Chongwoo Choe), Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 28, 447-481, 2012.
5. “Contracts, Search, and Organizational Diversity,” European Economic Review, 54, 678-691, 2010.
6. “Holdup, Search, and Inefficiency,” Economic Theory, 44, 307-338, 2010.
7. “Raising Wages to Deter Entry in Unionized Markets (joint with Laixun Zhao),” Japanese Economic Review, 60, 435-445., 2009
8. “Collusion and Discrimination in Organizations,” Journal of Economic Theory 116, 357-369, 2004.
9. “Signal-Extracting Education in an Overlapping Generations Model” (joint with Koichi Futagami), Economic Theory 24, 129-146, 2004.
10. “Comparing Allocations under Asymmetric Information: Coase Theorem Revisited,’’ Economics Letters, Vol. 80, 67-71, 2003.
11. “Optimal Incentives for Teams: Comment,’’ American Economic Review, 92, 1711, 2002.
12. “Endogenous Verifiability and Optimality in Agency,” Journal of Economic Theory 105, 518-530, 2002
13. "Moral Hazard and Renegotiation with Multiple Agents (joint with Hideshi Itoh)," Review of Economic Studies, 68, 1-20, 2001.
14. "Incomplete Contracts and Breach Remedies," Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics155, 342-361, 1999.
15. "Entry Deterrence in A Unionized Oligopoly" (joint with Yoshimasa Shirai), Japanese Economic Review, 49, 210-221, 1998.
16. "Trade Liberalization with Temporary Protection: A Game Theoretic Analysis," Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 5, 247-263, 1996.
Recent Working Papers:
"Relational Contracts and Hierarchy" (joint with Chongwoo Choe), Oct 2023, revision requested by RAND Journal of Economics. Online Appendix, Oct 2023.
"Relational Contracts and Subjective Evaluations with Endogenous Wealth Accumulation", April, 2024
3. "Managing Suppliers Efficiently," updated soon.
4. "Relational Contracts and Savings" , 2021.
5. "Endogenous Changes of Financial and Labor Contracts with Limited Commitment," 2019 (former title was "Macroeconomic Dynamics with Limited Commitment in Financial and Labor Contracts".)
6. "Organizational Dynamics," 2012.
Seminar/Conference Presentations
2022: Australasia Meeting of the Econometric Society (virtual, July 6-8), 8th Workshop on Relational Contracts (virtual, Aug 5-6), Asia Meeting of the Econometric Society, East and South East Asia, Tokyo, Japan (hybrid, Aug 8-10)
2021: Australian Economic Theory Workshop (18 Nov), OEIO (18 Dec)
2020: Organizational Economics Workshop in Australia (hosted by UNSW, 21-23 Oct), Hitotsubashi (11 Nov)
2019: APIOC (Dec), OEIO (Dec), Keio University (Nov), University of Sydney (June), University of Technology Sydney (June), Monash University (May)
Last updated: 18 April 2024