4-5. Climate Change and Social Actions

Sunday, Oct. 27, 2019

10:50 AM ~ 12:20 PM

Room 205

Moderator: Ajiang Chen (Hohai University)

Notes: Each presenter has 15-20 minutes for his/her presentation. After all the presentations, there will be about 20-30 minutes to open the floor for Q & A for all presenters.

Livelihood Impact and Community Response of Lake Level Rise with the Climate Change: Taking the Villages around the Selin Lake as an Example

Ajiang Chen; Zhao Wang; Wei Zhou (Hohai University); Xiaobing Yan (Changzhou University)

Carbon Emission Performance and Corporation Structures: The Evidence from Taiwanese Firms from 2014-2016

Chung-pei Pien; Chia-Wei Chao (National Taiwan University)

Who Wins?: Climate Adaptation Conflict in Central Stockholm

Atsushi Nozawa (The Unversity of Tokyo)

Climate Change Awareness and Energy Use in the Southeast Asian Countries

Midori Aoyagi (National Institute for Environmental Studies)