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 Full CV available on request.

Pennsylvania State University

Assistant Research Professor (since Fall 2023)

University of Oxford Department of Earth Sciences (2020-2023)

Postdoctoral Research Assistant (PDRA)

Advisor: Tamsin Mather

Project: Understanding the environmental effects of Large Igneous Province volcanism and its fingerprint in sedimentary records


Ph.D. Earth and Planetary Science (2020)

UC Berkeley Department of Earth and Planetary Science

Advisor: Paul Renne

Thesis: Eruptive rates and volatile emissions of the Deccan large igneous province and environmental consequences

B.Sc. Honours in Planetary Science (2015)

McGill University, Montreal, QC

Honours Thesis: Determining a timeline of key events near the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction boundary using sulfur isotopic composition 

Advisors: Hans Larsson & Boswell Wing

Fellowships & Awards:

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (2017-2020)

Geological Society of America Research Grant (2017)

Paleontological Society Stephen Jay Gould Award (2017)

University of California Museum of Paleontology Field Work Grant (2017)

Paleontological Society Kenneth E. and Annie Caster Award (2016)

Sigma Xi Grant in Aid of Research (2016) 



A. R. Paine, J. Frieling, T. Shanahan, T. A. Mather, N. McKay, S. A. Robinson, D. M. Pyle, I. M. Fendley, R. Kiely, W. Gosling. New evidence for millennial-scale interactions between Hg cycling and hydroclimate from Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana. In review for Climate of the Past.


11. I. M. Fendley, J. Frieling, T. A. Mather, M. Ruhl, S. P. Hesselbo, H. C. Jenkyns. 2024 Early Jurassic large igneous province carbon emissions constrained by sedimentary mercury. Nature Geoscience.

10. J. Frieling, I. M. Fendley, *M. A. Nawaz, T. A. Mather. 2024 Assessment of Hg speciation changes from thermal desorption characteristics in sedimentary rocks in the geological record. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems

9. R. Bos, W. Zheng, S. Lindstrom, H. Sanei, I. Waajen, I.M. Fendley, T.A. Mather, Y. Wang, J. Rohovec, T. Navratil, A. Sluijs, B. van de Schootbrugge. 2024 Long-term mutagenesis in plants due to Hg-remobilization following the end-Triassic mass-extinction. Nature Communications 

8. A. R. Paine, I. M. Fendley, J. Frieling, T. A. Mather, J. H. Lacey, B. Wagner, S. A. Robinson, D. M. Pyle, A. Francke, T.R. Them II, K. Panagiotopoulos. 2024 Mercury records covering the past 90 kyr from lakes Prespa and Ohrid, SE Europe. Biogeosciences

7. J. Frieling, T. A. Mather, I. M. Fendley, H. C. Jenkyns, Z. Zhao, T. W. Dahl, B. A. Bergquist, K. Cheng, A. T. Neilsen, A. J. Dickson. 2023 No evidence for a volcanic trigger for late Cambrian carbon cycle perturbations. Geology

6. E.C. Hughes, J. Biasi, I. M. Fendley, K. Rahilly, T. Schlieder, T.P. Fischer, P. Wallace. 2023 Modeling the behaviour of sulfur in magmatic systems from source to surface: Application to Whakaari/White Island, Aotearoa New Zealand, and Etna, Italy. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research

5. S. P. Hesselbo and JET Research Scientists (including I. M. Fendley). 2023 Initial results of coring at Prees, Cheshire Basin, UK (ICDP JET Project); towards an integrated stratigraphy, timescale, and Earth system understanding for the Early Jurassic. Scientific Drilling.

4. T. Mittal, M. Richards, I. M. Fendley. 2021. The magmatic architecture of continental flood basalts I : Observations from the Deccan Traps. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126, e2021JB021808. 

3. T.S. Tobin, J. W. Honeck, I.M. Fendley, L.N. Weaver, C.J. Sprain, M.L. Tuite, D.T. Flannery, W.W. Mans,  & G.P. Wilson Mantilla, 2021. Analyzing sources of uncertainty in terrestrial organic carbon isotope data: A case study across the K-Pg boundary in Montana, USA. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 110451. 

2. I.M. Fendley, C.J. Sprain, P.R. Renne, I. Arenillas, J.A. Arz, V. Gilabert, S. Self, L. Vanderkluysen, K. Pande, J. Smit, T. Mittal, 2020. No Cretaceous‐Paleogene Boundary in Exposed Rajahmundry Traps: A Refined Chronology of the Longest Deccan Lava Flows From 40Ar/39Ar Dates, Magnetostratigraphy, and Biostratigraphy.  Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. (21) e2020GC009149. 

1. I. M. Fendley, T. Mittal, C. J. Sprain , M. Marvin-DiPasquale, T. S. Tobin, P. R. Renne , 2019. Constraints on the volume and rate of Deccan Traps flood basalt eruptions using a combination of high-resolution terrestrial mercury records and geochemical box models. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. (524) 115721. 

Conference Presentations:

Session convener:

Goldschmidt 2023 5f: Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs): Their plumbing systems, links with plumes, supercontinent breakup, ore deposits, and environmental change through Earth history

AGU 2021 PP009: Environmental Effects and Eruptive Dynamics of Large Igneous Provinces: a Multidisciplinary Perspective

AGU 2019 V24A: Environmental Effects and Eruptive Dynamics of Large Igneous Provinces: a Multidisciplinary Perspective 

Paleoenvironmental records (including Hg):

* indicates student mentee 


2023 *A.R. Paine, W.D. Gosling, I.M. Fendley, J. Frieling, T.A. Mather, T.M. Shanahan, N. McKay, S.A. Robinson, D.M. Pyle, R. Kiely. Does moisture availability drive mercury fluxes in Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana? 2023 International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) Meeting

2022 *A.R. Paine, I.M. Fendley, J. Frieling, T.A. Mather, J.H. Lacey, D.M. Pyle, S.A. Robinson, B. Wagner, T.R. Them II, K. Panagiotopoulos. Mercury cycling since 90 ka recorded in lacustrine sediments from SE Europe


2023 I.M. Fendley, *O. Neilson, J. Frieling, S.A. Robinson, T.A. Mather, H.C. Jenkyns, G.P. Weedon. Orbitally forced variability in Early Jurassic mercury deposition. Goldschmidt Annual Meeting.

2023 R. Bos, W. Zheng, S. Lindstrom, H. Sanei, I. Waajen, I.M. Fendley, A. Sluijs, B. van de Schootbrugge. Triassic-Jurassic Hg-remobilisation severely affected terrestrial vegetation. EGU Annual Meeting

2022 R. Bos, S. Lindstrom, H. Sanei, I. Waajen, I.M. Fendley, A. Sluijs, B. van de Schootbrugge. Early Jurassic mutations: Phytotoxicity due to Hg-remobilization. European Palaeobotany and Palynology Conference. 

2022 I.M. Fendley, J. Frieling, *O. Neilson, M. Ruhl, T.A. Mather, S.A. Robinson, H.C. Jenkyns. Early Jurassic magmatism and environmental change. Jurassic Congress


2023 J. Frieling, T.A. Mather, I.M. Fendley, B.A. Bergquist, K. Cheng, H.C. Jenkyns, Z. Zhao, T.W. Dahl, A.T. Neilsen, A.J. Dickson. No volcanic trigger for late Cambrian carbon cycle perturbation. Goldschmidt Annual Meeting.


2020 I. M. Fendley, S. M. Hong, C. J. Sprain, T. S. Tobin, L. N. Weaver, P. R. Renne, Carbon Cycle Recovery After the Cretaceous-Paleogene Mass Extinction: a Terrestrial Perspective, AGU Fall Meeting. Link to abstract.

2019 *N. Mizrahi, I. M. Fendley, P. Renne. Sulfur Concentration and Isotopic Composition across the Terrestrial Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary in Montana, USA. AGU Fall Meeting. Link to abstract.

2019 J. W. Honeck, T. S. Tobin, M. L. Tuite, D. M. Flannery, I. M. Fendley, L. N. Weaver, C. J. Sprain. The Importance of Sampling Depth and Spatial variability on Terrestrial δ13Corg Values Across the K-Pg Boundary. GSA Annual Meeting. Link to abstract.

2018  *N. Mizrahi, I. M. Fendley, L. N. Weaver, P. R. Renne, G. P. Wilson, T. S. Tobin. Gar scale oxygen isotope composition across the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary in the Hell Creek Region, Montana. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Annual Meeting. Link to abstract.


2017  I. M. Fendley, Y. Park, P. Holroyd, Climate Change in the Eocene Wasatch Formation of Southwest Wyoming. SVP Annual Meeting. Link to abstract.

Volcanism within the last few thousand years:

2022 I. M. Fendley, E. Hughes, J. Biasi, K. Rahilly, T. Schlieder, H. Winslow, T. Fischer, and P. Wallace, Global compilation of volcanic sulfur isotopes across tectonic settings. VMSG Annual Meeting (Virtual: Link to talk

2020 J. Biasi, I. M. Fendley, E. Hughes, K. Rahilly, T. Schlieder, H. Winslow, T. Fischer, and P. Wallace, Modelling the behaviour of sulfur in magmatic systems from source to surface. Geological Society of London Virtual Conference: Sulfur in the Earth system: From microbes to global cycles through Earth history.

2019 E. Hughes, H. Winslow, K. Rahilly, J. Biasi, T. Schlieder, I. M. Fendley, T. Fischer, and P. Wallace, Sulfur from source to surface.  AGU Fall Meeting. Link to abstract.

2019 R. Castro, N. Randolph-Flagg, M. King, T. Mittal, I. M. Fendley, M. Manga, Et tu Etna: volcanism, climate, and death of Caesar.  AGU Fall Meeting. Link to abstract. 

2019 I. M. Fendley & T. Mittal, Variable climate response to volcanic eruptions in the Common Era, and implications. Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society Meeting.  Link to abstract. Link to poster.

Large Igneous Province (LIP) volcanism: 


J. Frieling, T.A. Mather, M.T. Jones, I.M. Fendley, W. Xu, C. Berndt, S. Planke, C. Zlvarez Zarikian, IODP Expedition 396 Science Party. Exploring links between the North Atlantic Igneous Province and Paleocene-Eocene climate change using sedimentary mercury. EGU Annual Meeting


I. M. Fendley, J. Frieling, O. Neilson, M. Ruhl, T. A. Mather, S. A. Robinson, H.C. Jenkyns. Early Jurassic LIP magmatism and environmental perturbations. AGU Fall Meeting

J. Frieling, T.A. Mather, M.T. Jones, I.M. Fendley, W. Xu, C. Berndt, S. Planke, C. Alvarez Zarikian, IODP Expedition 396 Science Party. Exploring links between the North Atlantic Igneous Province and Paleocene-Eocene climate change using sedimentary mercury. Geology Society of London meeting


J. Frieling, I.M. Fendley, T.A. Mather. Broadscale evaluation of the sedimentary Hg proxy for volcanism – insights from data compilation. EGU Annual Meeting.


HJ. Cheong, T. Mittal, I.M. Fendley, C.J. Sprain, M. Bogumil, Combining the Role of Sulfur and Carbon in long-duration models to assess the climatic impact of Large Igneous Provinces.  AGU Fall Meeting. Link to abstract.


I. M. Fendley, T. Mittal, P. R. Renne, M. Marvin-DiPasquale. Mercury chemostratigraphy and geochemical box model constraints on large igneous province eruption rates: case studies from the Deccan and Siberian Traps.  AGU Fall Meeting. Link to abstract.

I. M. Fendley, T. Mittal, C. J. Sprain, M. Marvin-DiPasquale, N. Mizrahi, P. R. Renne, S. Self, T. S. Tobin, L. N. Weaver. Quantitative estimates of Deccan flood basalt eruptive fluxes and climate consequences. GSA Annual Meeting.  Link to abstract.

 I. M. Fendley, T. Mittal, C. J. Sprain, M. Marvin-DiPasquale, N. Mizrahi, T. S. Tobin, L. N. Weaver, and P. R. Renne. High-resolution terrestrial mercury records and geochemical box models constrain volume and rate of Deccan Traps eruptions. Geochronology Gordon Research Conference Link to abstract. Link to poster.


I. Fendley, C. J. Sprain, T. Mittal, M. Marvin-DiPasquale, C. B. Keller, and P. R. Renne. Constraints on Deccan Traps eruptive timescales based on high resolution terrestrial mercury chemostratigraphy. AGU Fall Meeting.  Link to abstract. Link to poster.

P. R. Renne, B. A. Black, I.M. Fendley, T. Mittal, S. Self, C. J. Sprain. The Role of Geochronology in Linking Flood Basalts to Mass Extinctions. GSA Annual Meeting 2018 Link to abstract.

I. M. Fendley, C. J. Sprain, M. Marvin-DiPasquale, P. R. Renne, T. S. Tobin, L. N. Weaver. Mercury chemostratigraphy as a distal indicator of Deccan volcanism recorded in the Hell Creek Region, Montana. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Annual Meeting.  Link to abstract.

I. M. Fendley, C. J. Sprain, M. Marvin-DiPasquale, P. R. Renne, T. S. Tobin, L. N. Weaver. Mercury chemostratigraphy as indicator of Deccan volcanism in Hell Creek, Montana. Goldschmidt Annual Meeting. Link to abstract. Link to poster.


C. J. Sprain, P. R. Renne, I. M. Fendley, L.Vanderkluysen, K. Pande, S. Self, M. Richards. Timing, Tempo, and Transitions in the Deccan Volcanic Sequence. IAVCEI Scientific Assembly. Link to abstract.

I. M. Fendley, C. J. Sprain, M. MarvinDiPasquale, P. R. Renne, T. S. Tobin, and L. N. Weaver. Mercury chemostratigraphy through the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary in the Hell Creek region of Montana and its relationship to Deccan volcanism. GSA Annual Meeting. Link to abstract.


I. M. Fendley, C. J. Sprain, M. Marvin-DiPasquale, P. R. RenneMercury concentration as an indicator of Deccan Traps volcanism in late Cretaceous and earliest Paleogene sediments from the Hell Creek region, Montana. GSA Annual Meeting. Link to abstract.

Note: This list is not comprehensive