I did what you said and it worked for only a few items. Most of the items I try to install it just freezes and stays stuck on a black screen. I had all my content in my game and played last weekend just fine. Then yesterday, a week later, I went to play and when I loaded my game it said some objects are missing. Then I realized it somehow uninstalled all of my sims 3 store content. I don't know why or how.

On October 18, 2022, Maxis announced that they are working on the next installment of The Sims, which is code-named Project Rene. The game allows solo or collaborative play and cross-play. Room customization works differently compared to The Sims 4, with more customization options being presented for furniture. In this project, the buy-and-build mode is multiplayer and players can customize the buildings at the same time. As of April 2024, Project Rene is continuing development, with potential plans for "closed invites to small public playtests or early access options" for interested players.[12] That same year, Maxis stated that Project Rene would co-exist alongside The Sims 4, with both continuing development in the future. This is a deviation from past installments in The Sims franchise, where one installment typically replaces the previous. In addition, it was stated that Project Rene will be free-to-play and not require "a subscription, core game purchase or energy mechanics". Continuing its deviance from past installments in The Sims, Project Rene will have additional in-game purchases. Maxis stated there is "a plan to change this up a bit. For example, basic weather may be added to the core game for free, for everybody... It's important that with 'Project Rene' we lower barriers to play and give all players the broadest shared systems because that feels like the strongest foundation for us to grow from." This diversion from the typical purchase-structure follows The Sims 4, which was made free-to-play in October 2022.[12][13][14]

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Happening with me as well; with daily frequency, multiple times a day. Very little chance there is actually something wrong with my SIM or hardware. No drops/cracks issues with my phone. Usually rebooting fixes it for a little while only. Occasionally, turning on Airplane mode for 1 min then turning off can fix it, too. Very frustrating.

I am currently experiencing this. My carrier told me that now have to find time to go to their store and pay for a new sim as this is "not their fault". she actually laughed at me when i questioned why i not only have to find time to come in there for her to fix something that is not my fault, but also pay for this? She then laughed and told me it wasnt Verizon's fault either and if she wants me to fix it I will have to pay. I let her know that it sounds like i have no other choice at this point and hung up. GRR.

Where to find Frogs

Skip the logs. You may have some luck here and there, but overall scouring each neighborhood for logs is just too time consuming. The best way to do it is to use the three ponds in the game. I first hit up the park in Willow Creek and got a good portion of my collection, probably about half. Afteward, a trip to Sylvan Glade provided some new types of Frogs. After several runs, my Frog collection was missing Spotted Heart, Heartsurfer, Dirtwhirl, Whirlyflower, and the Bullseye frog. Since I hadn't been there, I headed to Oasis Springs park and found all the missing ones.

To me, this provided proof that there are frogs common to all ponds, but different types may be found in each. If you are missing a particular frog, you can breed them to complete your collection. Read more on that below the list of Frogs.

If you are assessing your preparedness for the Clinical Simulation Examination and feel you need more guidance than the free practice exam, there is a Self-Assessment Examination (SAE) available for purchase.

If you are assessing your preparedness for the TMC Examination and feel you need more guidance than the free practice exam, there is a Self-Assessment Examination (SAE) available for purchase. The TMC SAE has the same number of questions as the credentialing examination.

GEN. SIMS: Thanks, Lita. So first of all, in terms of where forces will go, it's really up to the U.S. European Command commander's decision. These are not additional forces; these are forces that will augment what we already have there. So as an example, over time, where we may have had someone from an active-component organization doing something, that job now under these authorities may be something that a reserve component unit may be able to do.

Q: OK. Lieutenant General Sims, for you, could you give us your assessment of the reasons for what we're seeing in Ukraine's counteroffensive in terms of their -- like, are there sort of smaller advances and sort of small -- the smaller scale of the operations that we're seeing? How would you explain to people who aren't familiar with the situation? Why is that happening at this point?

And so just back to my opening comment there, it's really, really hard. I don't think it's impossible, and I think that's what we're seeing from the Ukrainians, is that they are really making a go of it in great order, really, across the battlefield. It may not be at the speed that we would prefer. You know, if you use an historic example and if you look at this country, with the exception of the Gulf War, where we, you know, had gone pretty fast through that, we had done a bunch of preparation prior to our crossing the berm in the Gulf War, let me take you back to World War II -- I mean, just from the time when we hit the beaches at D-Day, you were looking at two months before the breakout.

Real quick, can you talk about how the U.S. might be willing to support that effort? Understanding that there's no announcement being made today on giving Ukraine F-16s, is there any role that you guys are looking to play in supporting this training effort that will take place in Romania? And how might that shift decision making on F-16s going forward?

GEN. SIMS: Yeah, thanks for the question, Chris. So the -short answer would be no. You know, there are agreements and conversations every day between our forces and the Russians about the proper way to conduct operations in and around one another. In this case, the Russian actions were in violation of those agreements. They've agreed to this in the past and clearly that didn't mean much to them.

We -- you know, we have the capability present where we need it. I believe that the combatant commander -- in this case, in the Central Command -- has all the necessary assets, if there was an issue. We don't anticipate an issue, nor do we see a level of escalation we're concerned about in Syria.

Q: All right. Is there any practice of deploying them effectively and minimizing any kind of civilian or Ukraine soldier military casualties? Can you give us just a couple minutes on the theory and practice of doing that, using them effectively but yet not endangering your own forces?

I would tell you I don't think that the Ukrainians have any interest in using the cluster munitions in -- anywhere near the civilian population, unlike the Russians. You know, there are -- they also acknowledge and understand the potential for, you know, duds that result -- in this case, a very, very low dud rate -- opposite what the Russians do.

And then the second part of my question is about telemaintenance for Ukrainian weapons systems. That's something that the U.S. Army has talked a lot about for sustainment with Ukrainians, and I was wondering if you think that that level of telemaintenance is satisfactory for the counter-offensive right now or is there more support needed from defense companies? Thank you.

Let me go to -- I'll try to get to folks that haven't had a chance to ask a question yet but I'll try to get through most of the list here. So let me go to Haley Britzky, CNN. Haley, are you there? OK, nothing heard. Let me go to Paul Shinkman, U.S. News.

Q: Thank you. Sullivan said they were talking about long range rockets in Europe but they didn't specify a system. Do you know what they were discussing? That's the first question. The second one is has there been any more discussion about close air support for Ukraine recently? Thanks.

GEN. RYDER: Thanks very much, Ryo. So as you saw from our readout, there was a meeting yesterday at the Pentagon. And in terms of communication -- military-to-military communication, that is something that we will continue to seek out. As you've heard us say many times before, we think it's important to keep those channels of communication open. And so we will continue to pursue that.

In terms of lifting of sanctions, I'd refer you to the State Department to talk about that. As we've said before, there is no barrier to communication between Secretary Austin and his counterpart, as it relates to these sanctions. Secretary Austin can talk to his counterpart, and of course that is something that we would welcome.

GEN. RYDER: Sure. Thanks very much for the questions. So as of right now, I'm not aware of any impact on DOD. I know that the FBI is investigating this. So they're the right folks to talk to, broadly speaking, about potential impact on the U.S. government, but right now, there's been no impact on DOD operations that I'm aware of. Thank you.

Q: Hi. So on Friday, Dr. Kahl didn't say how many DPICMs had actually -- he declined to say how many were going to Ukraine, and now General Sims is saying today that they're there. The White House and Pentagon has not been shy at touting exactly how much ammunition has gone to Ukraine. Can you say how many DPICMs have gone to Ukraine or why there's an OPSEC issue on this?

GEN. RYDER: Yeah, absolutely, James. So there are some munitions, just based on the types of things we're talking about from an OPSEC standpoint, you know, we'll talk in general terms, and there's going to be other types of capabilities that we won't for OPSEC reasons because, as I'm sure you can appreciate, if you're Russian intelligence, you know, there's certainly information that's going to be useful to you to know about expenditure rates and things like that. So those are things we're just not going to talk about. 0852c4b9a8

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