Not by default. You can go to Preferences>Keyboard Shortcuts>LAYER. Scroll down, and there's the options for setting shortcuts for Hide, then scroll on down to set one for Show.

question says it all.I have folding turned on in Eclipse (v3.4), and rather than having to click the little +/- in the page gutter, I'm wondering if there's a keyboard shortcut to just: fold the current method.

Is There A Keyboard Shortcut For Download


Click the button and press your preferred keyboard shortcut. Then, scratch your head, because (when I tried it) the Add Shortcut button reappears. But click the button again and you should see your shortcut:

Option 2: If you want the shortcut key to work anywhere, create a new Service using Automator, then go to the Keyboard Shortcut to assign a shortcut key to it. Known limitation: not work from the desktop

In both Excel and Google Sheets it is possilbe to do [Ctrl] [Arrow key] to jump to the last filled non-blank row or column in series of rows/columns which allows quick navigation around a spreadsheet. I am a frequest user of these keyboard shortcuts in both Execl and Google Sheets.

The closest I have found to this in the smartsheet documentation are the following keyboard shortcuts. It appears that [Ctrl] + [Up Arrow} and [Ctrl] + [Left Arrow} are equivalent to [Ctrl] + [Home], and [Ctrl] + [Down Arrow} and [Ctrl] + [Right Arrow} are equivalent as [Ctrl] + [End]. I have not figured out an equivalent for the row navigation [Home] and [End] keyboard shortcuts.

If you're looking for a comprehensive list of keyboard shortcuts to use in Smartsheet, please take a look a the "Keyboard Shortcuts" article in the Smartsheet Help Center. (It has recently been updated.)

Thanks everyone! These are a big help. Playing a bit, I have found that [Fn] + {Down arrow} and [Fn] + {Up arrow} enable page down and page up on the Mac, which is helpful. I still wish there was a quick way to go to the last row ( [Ctrl] + [Down arrow]) in GSheets and Excel), but this has gotten me part of the way there. Thanks again, Stan

Hi Travis - Yes, the keyboard combo you describe works to get to the last row. Thanks. If you work for smartsheet, I would make a feature request to mirror the [Ctrl] + [Arrow] features of Google Sheets and Excel. With those two being two of the most dominate spreadsheet applications, having similar keyboard shortcuts will help with adoption by new users, especially power users who are often the influencers when it comes product choices within a company. I am happy to make the feature request myself if that will yield better results, just tell me the best way to submit a feature request. Thanks again, Stan

Stan - are you referring to Macs or PCs? From your post, it sounded like you were asking about Macs. I am using a Mac and just tested in both Excel and Google Sheets and CMD + down arrow brings you to the last row and CMD + up arrow brings you to the top row. If you are on a PC then you would use CTRL instead of CMD in Excel, Google Sheets, and Smartsheet. When using Macs and PCs, keyboard shortcuts anywhere (not just in Smartsheet) are typically the same, you would just use CMD for Mac and CTRL for PCs. This is done on the OS level. Does this help?

Yes, Mac and, right, CMD, not Ctrl. Sorry about that. There is a subtlety in Excel that does not exist in smartsheet which is that there is no way to go to jump to the last non-empty cell in a continuous set of cells in a column or row. Use CMD-arrow keys in the following Excel file and you will see that it jumps to the next non-empty cell, not all the way to the top or bottom of the sheet. That's what I am talking about when I am mentioning the feature request.

I am used to working in excel and using keyboard shortcuts to navigate my sheets without having to use a mouse. Is there a keyboard shortcut to delete a row? if not can how do I let the product team know to add this to the development queue?

While there are keyboard shortcuts available for inserting rows and navigating to existing rows in a sheet, there isn't currently a shortcut available for deleting rows. Click here for the full list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in Smartsheet and feel free to Submit a Product Enhancement Request for having a shortcut to delete rows considered as a possibility for future development.

Thank you for making us aware of this. I have another suggestion. As someone who frequently writes in different languages I have more than one keyboard installed on my system and switch between them on the fly using "winkey + space ". You may find it useful to switch to a standard US keyboard before adding references, and switching back after. Alternately, you could just switch to a standard US keyboard while writing if you are not using the special characters.

I am wondering if there is a function or keyboard short cut I am missing for restarting my RStudio session (without clicking)? The equivalent of cmd/ctrl + shift + F10 for restarting R but for the RStudio project or session?

There appear to be a bazillion keyboard shortcuts, but so far I can't find anything that does what that little green button at the top of every window does (but trying to hit that tiny tiny button with the mouse is a trial).

I did some online searching and at least as of 2006 it doesn't look like this was possible (hard to believe, since Windows has had such a shortcut since the dawn of time) but surely by now this has been added, right? I'm not looking to "maximize" per se, just do exactly what it does when I press that tiny green button (only do it from the keyboard).

I have created a new profile and went straight to YouTube, without installing any extensions or changing any settings and the only shortcut that works is >, which I input by holding down Shift and pressing

Copy them to appropriate columns and assign keys to these commands to your wish. Here, I have chosen Ctrl + 5 and Ctrl + 6. Once you have done it properly, you can input your chosen keyboard shortcuts and see Nautilus change its view at your fingertips.

After installing the extensions go to Edit -> Keyboard Shortcuts... in the main menu and search for actions starting from Sidebar in the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog. Click the Key cell corresponding to the action you need such as Sidebar Tree and enter a shortcut:

To use a keyboard shortcut, press and hold one or more modifier keys and then press the last key of the shortcut. For example, to use Command-C (copy), press and hold the Command key, then the C key, then release both keys. Mac menus and keyboards often use symbols for certain keys, including modifier keys:

Some keys on some Apple keyboards have special symbols and functions, such as for display brightness , keyboard brightness , and more. If these functions aren't available on your keyboard, you might be able to reproduce some of them by creating your own keyboard shortcuts. To use these keys as F1, F2, F3, or other standard function keys, combine them with the Fn key.

Use these shortcuts to change keyboard focus. To use some of these shortcuts, first choose Apple menu  > System Settings (or System Preferences), then click Keyboard. Click Keyboard Shortcuts, select Keyboard on the left, then select the shortcut's setting on the right.

Does anyone know if there is a list of keyboard shortcuts (informal or published) for the editor? If not, perhaps others can contribute here. I see lots of examples to incorporate keyboard shortcuts into user apps, but not the editor.

Is there a keyboard shortcut for moving notebook of a selected note? I don't seem to be able to find any, and I can't seem to find a command that I could assign a shortcut to either. If it is not there, I think it would be really useful to have it added in a future update as it can streamline the workflow and save a stack of time switching between keyboard and mouse (Specially when reviewing and sorting a batch of notes).

Thanks for the reply, it was 1. that I was referring to. Thanks for pointer to Quick Move Notes plugin, which is half way there. What I was hoping to find is a way to have a shortcut key assigned to this right-click menu item,

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If the file doesn't already exist the easiest way is to go to Options > Keyboard shortcuts and add a shortcut against one that doesn't have something already, that will create the file so you can copy the pattern if you are unfamiliar with json.

The command itself doesn't care, just when bound to a shortcut. I can see if it does the same on other OSs.

Also I don't know if it is command specific or accelerator specific, would be worth finding out.

Okay. If you want that alternative to a missing menu key, do the following:

1)system settings>shortcuts

2)Custom shortcuts>add a new action

3)Set your key combo under Trigger and name it Menu under Action


When working with a PCB layout and routing tracks I am always having the schematic editor open. If I use the mouse and click on a symbol in the schematic editor to get the PCB footprint identified and highlighted and then move the mouse directly to the pad were I want to start routing a track and press X on the keyboard, the schematic symbol is immaged and the track is not started! This is extremely dangerous!

Can something be done with this? And may be it has been discussed before but I can not find anything about it.

Kjell Karlsen

Yes, and Hotkey X is used in PCB to start routing a single track and in Schematic editor to mirror the symbol horizontally. The only way to avoide this happening (as far as I have found out) is to Left click on the PCB editor BEFORE using hotkey X to start the track. But I have forgotten this sometimes and left the schematic symbol mirrored horizontally. It get dangerous if the schematic symbol is symetrical with say 8 pins on each side. Yo will not discover this yourself without checking Pin after Pin.The schematic editor reports no fault after the mirroring so the layout is totally wrong and not seen by the last PCB checkings. I am usinh Windows 10 and KiCad v.6. I believe the problem might be that Windows does not focus from the schematic editor and over to the PCB editor when the mouse is moved, therefor I now left clicking before using any hot key. 2351a5e196

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