Hey guys,

I have recently taken the job to maintain someone's youtube channel.

The common practice is for him to send me the videos via wetransfer.com and i would upload them to youtube and handle the rest.

Yesterday he was late to send me the video, and i needed about 2h to upload it to youtube after i downloaded it. That would have missed our deadline so i had to upload it via 4g in order to make the time.

Is there a way to modify the URL that the formatter extracts? For example, if the URL extracted from the email is wetransfer.com/(string of numbers), can the output be wetransfer.com/(string of numbers)/download? Where the same thing would be added to the URL every time?

Is It Free To Download From Wetransfer

Download 🔥 https://urllio.com/2y3By3 🔥

Hello, we have a Sonicwall TZ400 and experience something very weird. Whenever our users are trying to download something from WeTransfer the download speed varies massively. Sometimes a 1 GB File takes 2 minutes (rarely), sometimes an hour, and sometimes 7 hours. I can try the same download on the same machine in parrallel and have this experience. When connected directly to our ISP router this issue does not happen and every 1GB File gets downloaded within 2 minutes. It also doesn't happen on any other website (as far as we have noticed).

sorry for beeing so quiet. We solved the problem by exchanging our sonciwall to another model. We transfered to config from the old one and it works. Download Speeds on other platforms were fine. I guess this will be a mystery left to be solved.

Once they finish sending you the transfer, you'll be able to download it from your 'Received' panel, where it'll remain there for 28 days before expiring. If you want to keep your transfers alive for that little bit longer, you're more than welcome to re-upload them back into your account's storage, and then keep them online for as long as your heart desires.

Send big filesGone are the days of worrying about how many days you have left when a transfer is going to be deleted. With WeTransfer Pro and WeTransfer Premium, you can set your transfers to expire whenever you like, or even stop them from being deleted at all. You have the power!

When uploading with the free serviceWhen sending transfers through the free service (at ) they are available for 7 days. After which they expire and are removed from our servers. We don't keep a hidden stash of transfers so once they are deleted, it is no longer possible to download them.

These are not legitimate emails and should be reported immediately.

Please remain diligent and avoid giving any personally identifiable information through email. Files sent via WeTransfer can be easily crafted to look like they are from legitimate email addresses and even trusted third parties. Do not assume a message from WeTransfer is trustworthy based on the displayed name of the sender. Pay attention to the sender of the email and if something appears suspicious, contact the sender directly to verify the messages legitimacy. DO NOT respond via email. If direct contact with the sender is not possible, please contact ITCC for assistance.

To keep the files downloaded from WeTransfer, the program creates a folder called 'WeTransfer'. For images, they will be saved in Pictures under a WeTransfer folder, while for videos, you can access them in your device's Movies folder.

When you transfer files with WeTransfer, your recipient gets an e-mail that looks something like Figure 1. Or perhaps you receive a transfer from someone and get a similar e-mail. The e-mail shows you the list of files that you can download, plus the expiration date and a Download button.

Colleagues sometimes send files via WeTransfer that need to go on a remote server. WeTransfer makes it difficult to do that directly; the download button exposed on their landing pages redirect to the real download location using JavaScript in the browser. That link obfuscation makes downloading via Wget or similar simple tools difficult. Here is the solution I have adopted (from Stackoverflow):

Google Drive is possibly the least convenient file storage service to use from a Linux server perspective; to download from them, a Google account is required, as well as the Gdrive utility (or something similar).

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We have received a 2Gb zip file via Wetransfer. When we download this and open it the file works BUT it cuts us off from the Internet. We can open no sites and we cannot use emails. If we delete the zip file and restart everything works again. The sender says the file has been sent to 200 other users and we are the only one reporting problems.

Thanks for your reply. Not sure if it is anything Talktalk related. Just wondered if anyone else had come across this problem. As the zip is sent from overseas and sent to many other users, we can only suggest to the sender that they use a different programme but if we are the only one with a problem it seems unlikely that they will do that. Virus scan run and shows no issue. It appears that some ISPs are blocking Wetransfer particularly in India. If no other Talktalk user has had problems will get back to the sender again.

Then select the OneDrive you want to transfer from.

Select Authorize next to OneDrive Consumer if transferring from another Microsoft account. Or, for a work or school account select Authorize next the cloud storage you're using at work or school, such as OneDrive for Business (Single User). This allows Mover to access your school files.

Hi Dimi,


I have just started sending you a copy (mp4) of my AV so far via Wetransfer. You will get an email re the download link from them which will last for 7 days only. 


As you will see I have covered the fact that the houses I show are not the actual dragon house on Ochi.


I have many shots of other dragon houses that we went to and these are at the start. It has a surprise ending.




Over the last couple of months, we have been sharing blog posts on the topic of social engineering with the intent to help raise awareness about the increasingly sneaky tactics attackers are using. One of the posts from January featured several basic social engineering attack examples. As a follow up to that post, we wanted to share a couple of additional recent examples showing how attackers are using the file sharing sites WeTransfer and Smash to distribute Bumblebee malware via sales Request For Proposals (RFPs).

Most companies will use some type of autoresponder message to sales form enquiries, which the attacker then used to create a notification from WeTransfer that Ryan Nelson shared a product requirements document with a link to download the file and a password to download the document.

Because the threat actor uses shared storage sites to deliver the bumblebee malware, and the malicious links are most likely personalized for each attack target, attempting to block the URLs at the domain level is not always practical. Especially in cases where the domain is from OneDrive, Google Docs, or other commonly used and whitelisted sites.

Sponsored Content is paid for by an advertiser. Sponsored content is written and edited by members of our sponsor community. This content creates an opportunity for a sponsor to provide insight and commentary from their point-of-view directly to the Threatpost audience. The Threatpost editorial team does not participate in the writing or editing of Sponsored Content.

This week, artist Ryan McGinley released 15 never-before-published photographs from throughout his career in an online exhibition curated by New York Times photo editor Kathy Ryan. The project, which also features a Q&A between artist and curator, appears on an unlikely web platform: WeTransfer.

Absolutely. WeDownload uploads two types of information to Firebase by Google: crash reports, which notifies us of bugs that need fixing; and anonymized usage statistics. The usage statistics do not contain anything that could identify you (such as the URL of your download, your location, or any content from your download). For more information please read the Privacy Policy.

The unique project from WeTransfer aims to achieve greater awareness for its file-transferring services as a distribution platform for creators and its focus on championing creativity on a global scale. The platform has allocated 30 percent of its advertising inventory to support creatives and donates 1 percent of its revenue to emerging artists through The Supporting Act Foundation.

WeTransfer is an online file transfer service that can be used to transfer files of all sizes from one computer to multiple computers at the same time without any inconvenience. Where other transfer services only handle a few MBs of data, WeTransfer is more than capable of carrying terabytes of data, which is what makes it so attractive for enterprises and people who have a heavy workload and have a need to transfer a lot of data.

Step 1:  Download and install the software on your PC, even if you want to recover the files from your phone. Make sure to choose the right software as there are two variants. One for Android devices and one for iPhones.

There are three portal types that can be created to address nearly every use case. Employees, freelancers, clients and partners can access Media Shuttle portals from any web browser for an effortless way to transfer files. Learn more about Share, Submit, and Send portals.

The Academic Recommendation should come from instructors who taught the applicant in a full-credit college course. If an applicant has not been enrolled in school for two or more years, the instructor recommendation may be replaced by a personal or employer recommendation.

In the meantime we will keep releasing patches regularly and fix as many issues as we can with the resources we have. Issues like this, blocking main mission progress, we consider particularly important to address and prevent from occurring. 2351a5e196

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