It's important to note that the FCC recently updated its benchmark for high-speed fixed broadband service from 25 Mbps for downloads and 3 Mbps for uploads to 100 Mbps and 20 Mbps, respectively. That is the minimum required for fixed broadband providers to claim high-speed internet service. Users will also want this if they're often engaging in internet activities that require high speed and capacity, such as gaming and connecting multiple devices at once.

When picking a plan with data upload and download speeds that match your needs, consider your day-to-day internet activities and choose accordingly. With some quick math, you can determine what you use. For instance, sending a text-only email uses only about 10 kilobytes (KB), according to Verizon Wireless.

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A typical web page might require 1 megabyte (MB) to load, audio streaming uses about 51 MB per hour, streaming standard-definition video uses 500 MB per hour, and streaming high-definition video uses up 1.6 gigabytes (GB) per hour.

Streaming video and videoconferencing require higher speeds. If these comprise a good percentage of your daily internet activities, you'll need faster internet service with low latency. A provider with a fiber optic connection is the fastest and most reliable choice, with cable a close second.

According to the FCC, a good internet speed varies for households connecting multiple devices to the internet at once. Download speeds of at least 25 Mbps for two connected devices with moderate to heavy internet use should suffice, but at least 100 Mbps download speed would be better for three or more devices.

For one or two users who regularly stream high definition or 4K video, use video conferencing, participate in online gaming, or work from home, an internet speed of 12 Mbps up to 100 Mbps makes sense, but heavy internet use would need speeds on the higher end of that range. Homes with three people using three or more connected devices will need speeds of up to 100 Mbps for moderate use but 100 Mbps or more for heavy use. When four or more people are connected to the internet in a home, they'll certainly want download speeds of 100 Mbps or more.

Most ISPs deliver their promised broadband speed, says the FCC in its Twelfth Measuring Broadband America Fixed Broadband Report, released in January 2023. The report evaluates 12 ISPs along with the different technology configurations such as fiber, cable, DSL, and satellite. The report states that out of these providers, only one performed below 90% for actual-to-advertised download speed.

Many plans on our Best Internet Service Providers list offer incremental increases in cost for exponentially more speed, so check those out if you're looking for more speed but don't want to pay much more for it.

Working from home requires, at minimum, reliable internet service for email and a strong cellular signal or landline. It also often requires sharing large files and participating in videoconferences, both of which use considerable bandwidth. says video conference platforms like Zoom and Google Meet only work well when connected to adequately fast internet. Zoom suggests speeds of at least about 4 Mbps and 3 Mbps for downloads and uploads, respectively, for video conferencing with multiple participants in high definition. Google support documentation offers similar recommendations.

When considering how much speed you need, beware that low promotional pricing may be for an ISP's lowest speeds. Also, the Federal Trade Commission recommends that you make sure the download and upload speeds you actually get are the ones that you're expecting.

Gamers need low latency, high download and upload speeds, and a generous data plan for the best experience. The best ISPs for gaming mitigate latency and include both super-fast speeds and substantial data plans.

According to Xfinity, most video game console manufacturers recommend at least 3 Mbps of download speed and between 0.5 Mbps and 1 Mbps of upload speed. However, most serious gamers will want much higher speeds to compete effectively during online gaming. Games with fast action require fast responses. AT&T recommends at least 50 Mbps for download speeds and 10 Mbps for uploads. CenturyLink, on the other hand, suggests at least 25 Mbps for downloads.

To have the ultimate gaming experience, Xfinity recommends speed tiers with download speeds of 300 Mbps and above. Your download speed determines how fast your game information is pulled from the server, and upload speed determines how fast you push information back out to the server.

Congestion has become a bigger problem in the last few years. With many companies shifting to remote work during the pandemic, home internet subscriptions have soared. While companies are working to mitigate slow internet speeds, higher usage does lead to network congestion.

You also might consider upgrading your hardware. For instance, you can purchase a router that supports newer Wi-Fi standards, but beware of Wi-Fi extenders because they may slow down your connection. With an extender, everything you transmit over your network must be sent multiple times.

McKetta recommends using a Wi-Fi mesh system instead that can more intelligently select channels and route traffic. For more information on how to speed up your internet connection, visit our guide on Ways To Increase Your Internet Speed.

A good download speed is at least 100Mbps, and a good upload speed is at least 10 Mbps. With 100Mbps, you can stream movies, attend Zoom meetings, and play games online all on several devices at the same time.

You can calculate your internet speed requirements by considering the common types of activities you do online, the number of people who use your Wi-Fi, and how many Wi-Fi devices you tend to use in your home.

You want fast internet to cover the total number of people and devices that connect to your Wi-Fi. If you live with a roommate, for example, you need enough speed to support each of your own laptops, smartphones, and gaming consoles. You also want bandwidth to support devices that are connected in the background, like smart home tech.

Sometimes a simple restart of your computer, modem, or router is all you need to get your internet speed back to normal. Restarting clears out the bugs of a fatigued machine and sets things back to normal.

Your router distributes internet signals to devices throughout your house. So the best place for a router to be is somewhere centralized, away from too many obstacles like walls, furniture or metal appliances. If the router is hidden away in your bedroom closet, try moving it to the living room.

Most people use Wi-Fi to get internet on their devices, but you can get slightly faster speeds by plugging your computer directly into your router using an Ethernet cable. That reduces the chance of signal interference and creates a more direct link.

When internet providers advertise internet speeds, they most often refer to download speeds, or what you use to receive data from the internet. Our speed recommendations are given in download speed as well.

But you want faster upload speeds if you do things that require a lot of upload bandwidth. To get faster uploads, sign up for a faster internet plan or get fiber internet, which gives you symmetrical upload and download speeds.

Latency is the amount of time it takes for a piece of information (called a ping) to travel from your computer to the network server and back. In practical terms, latency is how long it takes from when you click a thing to when you see the results of that click. It is measured in milliseconds, and lower latency is better. High latency causes things like lag in video games.

According to data collected from our internet speed test, the national average internet speed is 42.86Mbps. Of course, this average is always changing, and that number might not reflect your internet experience.

Mbps stands for megabits per second. Internet providers use Mbps to measure bandwidth. One megabit is a million bits, each of which is a single unit of data. When your internet speed is 25Mbps, for example, that means your connection is capable of transferring 25 megabits of data per second. The faster your internet connection is, the more data you can get in a given timeframe.

Because tech language is weird sometimes, a megabit (Mb) is not the same thing as a megabyte (MB). One megabyte is actually eight megabits. Bytes are usually used to refer to file sizes, while bits are used to discuss data transfer rates.

Internet speed is often defined in Mbps, which stands for megabits per second. Knowing your mbps, your file upload and download speeds, can help you determine whether your home internet is fast enough to do everyday things like stream movies or download large files.

Two other services that offer fast internet speeds are DSL and cable. DSL stands for Digital Subscriber Lines and uses twisted copper technology and a modem to provide a broadband connection. However, speeds vary widely based on the internet service provider, equipment used and the quality of the phone lines leading to your home or business.

Cable connections also offer high-speed internet services with fast download speeds, but they may not always attain the upload speeds of fiber-optic connections. That can mean more lag time during online gaming and slower photo and video uploads.

Between DSL, cable and fiber, fiber-optic internet speeds are the fastest available today, according to a June 2020 article from Broadband Now, an independent website which helps consumers find and compare internet services. Services like Fios 2 Gigabit Connection deliver blazing-fast, ultra-reliable internet speeds averaging between 1.5 Gbps and 2.3 Gbps for both upload and download. Unlike other providers who may offer gig plans using partial fiber or copper/fiber hybrid networks, Verizon Fios is powered by a 100% fiber-optic network.

But for most people online these days, the internet speed you need completely depends on what you do on the internet, and how many people access it at the same time. So while a 100Mbps plan is sufficient for most, you may need 300Mbps download speeds or even faster if you share your Wi-Fi with lots of other users, or if you need the smoothest, highest-quality experience possible while streaming, gaming, or working from home. 152ee80cbc

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