Fire Safety Resources for Teachers & PARents

For Elementary Students:

Virtual Safety Spot

Virtual Fire Safety House

Let's Explore a Fire Truck (new!)

Let's Explore a Fire Engine (new!)

For Middle and High School Students:

Virtual Fire Science Spot

For Teachers and Parents:

Resources for Teachers (updated!)

Scheduling virtual fire safety classes


If you would like to schedule a virtual class, please reach out to
Classes can be customized for any fire safety or fire science topic and can be 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or an hour in length.

Class examples:

Firefighters Are Your Friends (Kinder)
Fire Safety for Elementary Students
Fire Extinguisher Training (6th grade+)
Kitchen and Home Fire Safety (Older Elementary-High School)
Fire Warden Training (Middle-High School)
Basic Fire Science and Investigation (Middle-High School)
Commercial Kitchen Fire Safety (High School)

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