IROS 2023

Workshop on Leveraging Models 

for Contact-Rich Manipulation

Workshop Focus & Motivation

Contact-rich manipulation remains a grand challenge for robotics; having dexterous manipulation capabilities that can automatically reason through contact with different objects and its body, as well as the surrounding environment, will widely broaden the spectrum of physical tasks we can automate in the world. Traditionally, model-based methods have tackled contact-rich manipulation by utilizing and studying the structure of contact models to come up with planning and control algorithms. In contrast, as we currently live through the era of deep learning, recent advances in learning have enabled entirely new capabilities and approaches for contact-rich manipulation as well. This shift of paradigm presents many interesting challenges and opportunities for the model-based manipulation community.

The objective of this workshop is to bring together researchers in the model-based manipulation community to present their work and review state-of-the art methods in the field. In conjunction, the workshop aims to facilitate discussions on the future of the field and ask several important questions: how can we synthesize model-based approaches and recent learning approaches into a coherent whole? Do we believe that there is structure we can leverage from the models that we use to better inform planning and control algorithms?

Participants are encouraged to ponder the following questions to get the discussion started (other questions related to the event's overall theme are also welcome):

Workshop Video 

Accepted Papers

Congratulations to Mengchao Zhang, Jose Barreiros, and Aykut Ozgun Onol on the Best Workshop Paper Award for their work on "Plan-Guided Reinforcement Learning for Whole-body Manipulation"!

Important Details 

Funding & Support 

We would like to thank our sponsors for their gracious funding and support. 

Boston Dynamics AI Institue

IEEE Robotics & Automation Society

Technical Committee on Model-based Optimization for Robotics

Invited Speakers

Matt Mason

CMU, Berkshire Grey

Michael Posa 


Zachary Manchester


Kensuke Harada

Osaka University

Robin Deits

Boston Dynamics

Nima Fazeli



IROS Schedule


H.J. Terry Suh


Tao Pang

Boston Dynamics AI Institute

Xianyi Cheng


Alp Aydinoglu


Simon Le Cleac'h


Brian Plancher

Barnard College

Russ Tedrake


Toyota Research Institute