The 7th Annual Iredell County Walk for Recovery will be on Saturday, September 28, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., at Troutman’s ESC Park (338 North Avenue behind Town Hall). (Rain date is October 5).


This FREE, family-friendly event, featuring live music, will celebrate the hope and healing that comes with recovery from substance use and mental illness through the words of inspiring speakers and community leaders. 

Kids activities,  including magician, a splash pad and playground, petting zoo, face painting, martial arts and dance performances, photo booth, art exhibit, and games and crafts, will also add to the fun.

A free catered dinner will also be served. 

Many vendors associated with mental health, substance misuse, recovery, and other helping agencies will be on hand, and a "walk" around the event area visiting  the vendors with your punchcard will make attendees eligible for prize drawings!

Contact Kristin Blumenstein at kristin@daciredell.com if you are interested in being a vendor (no product sales allowed).

Bring your bag chairs, lawn blankets, sunscreen, kids' swimsuits, and towels and get ready for an afternoon of fun and inspiration!


PLATINUM: Drug-Alcohol Coalition of Iredell, Foundation of Hope Ministries, ICGH-Statesville, Partners Iredell Community Collaborative, PQA, Piedmont Healthcare, Southern Family Medicine

GOLD: Fifth Street Ministries, Iredell Free News, Iredell-Statesville Schools, NAMI

SILVER: Addiction Recovery Medical Services (ARMS)

BRONZE: Foundry House, Sawyer Insurance, Turning Point Family Services 

Vendor Walk

Walk the vendor path to learn more about treatment, prevention, and recovery and enjoy activities and freebies for the whole family!

Dress up in purple (the Recovery Month color) to show your support for those in recovery!  

Create signs to support those in recovery visit the photo booth tonmake some noise to celebrate their journey to health and wellness.

Get Educated

Speakers will be on hand to give their powerful testimonies of recovery. Visit the Voices of Recovery art exhibit and speak with some of the authors of the stories that inspired the art.

Booths from many area organizations and agencies will be on hand with information on recovery services and support. Many have free giveaways!

Have Fun!

Rock to live music!

Enjoy splash pad, crafts, face-painting, balloon animals, games, magician, photo booth, dance and martial arts demonstrations, and other activities!

Free dinner, snacks, and drinks through the afternoon.

Sign up for free tickets on Eventbrite beginning in August!


Each September, SAMHSA sponsors National Recovery Month to increase awareness and understanding of mental and substance use disorders, and celebrate the individuals living in recovery.

This year’s theme is “ HOPE IS REAL. RECOVERY IS REAL.”

Now in its 34th year, Recovery Month celebrates the gains made by those in recovery, just as we celebrate improvements made by those who are managing other health conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, asthma, and heart disease.

Each September, Recovery Month works to promote and support new evidence-based treatment and recovery practices, the emergence of a strong and proud recovery community, and the dedication of service providers and community members across the nation who make recovery in all its forms possible.

The observance will work to highlight inspiring stories that help thousands of people from all walks of life find the path to hope, health, and wellness.


Jerry M. Campbell II, Executive Committee Chair

Email: JCampbellII@partnersbhm.org

Debbie Page, Event Marketing

Email: debbiepage.iredellfreenews@gmail.com

Kristin Blumenstein, Vendor/Volunteer Coordinator

931-304-7038 or kristin@daciredell.com


24 Hour Crisis Assistance Lines:

             Hope for NC Helpline - 1-855-587-3463

             Partners - 1-888-235-HOPE (4673)

             National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-8255 or 988

DACI IREDELL COUNTY SUBSTANCE USE RESOURCE GUIDE: https://www.daciredell.com/_files/ugd/02b9be_7823279009fb4a438f59eb98b83dc928.pdf