Most Beautiful Bazaars of Iran

Tabriz Grand Bazaar

Largest world indoor grand bazaar and brick building.

The Tabriz Bazaar is about one square kilometer largest indoor grand bazaar in the world. The Tabriz Bazaar in July 2010, the solar arsenal has been listed as the world's first bazaar in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Factors such as the architecture of the Bazaar, the arrangement of shops, the plenty of mini-caravans, caravans, corridors, passage, as well as the types of businesses and professions, the existence of a large number of schools and mosques, which are mostly historic, has made this bazaar a perfect example of business and Islamic and Oriental life.

The beautiful blend of delightful local sounds and tunes and diverse colors and flavors in the Rasht bazaar brings a sense of life and passion for travelers and passersby. In the corners of the Rasht bazaar, you can find many effects from the beauty of folkloric culture in this lush province, which in its turn is very beautiful and attractive and can be considered one of the tourist hubs of Guilan province.

Rasht Great Bazaar
Tajrish Bazaar

In the Bazaar you will find a variety of handicrafts, but perhaps the most attractive part of the Bazaar, which includes the overall color and flavor, is part of the food and its fruits and vegetables. You can find everything you need in the kitchen or have the desire to eat it.

The great Kerman bazaar starts from the Arg square and ends with the Moshtaqiye Square. Each part of Kerman's Bazaar has been made by one of the rulers of this city and due to its unique features in Iran, it is unique and of world renown. This Bazaar is considered to be the longest Iranian bazaar and was mainly built after the eighth century AH.

The Bazaar of Kerman, also known as the Ganjalikhan bazaar, is one of the most important historical and commercial centers of Kerman, with more than 60% of its historical monuments.

Kerman Bazaar and Ganjali Khan Complex

The beautiful Bazaars in cities of Iran

The Bazaar is referred to as the place of sale and supply of goods, and the root of this word is taken from the Pahlavi language. However, the formation of the Bazaar was coincident with the formation of cities, and during the history of the Achaemenids to Iran after the Islamic era, we witnessed the growth and prosperity of these places, but what today remains the old Bazaars in the Iranian cities and now also Is used in the Safavid era, so that many major Bazaars in large cities such as Tabriz, Ardebil, Shiraz, Isfahan, Qazvin,Kashan, Yazd, Hamadan and Tehran are the memorials of that period.

About Bazaars in Iran

Although the raids, looting and devastation of the Mongols in the seventh century arose many Bazaars, but at the end of this period, Ghazan Khan and Al-Jaetou, and the ministers with their adequacy, such as Khoja Rashid al-Din Fazlullah, Bazaars in the major cities of this period Was made. The construction of Bazaars in the Safavid period increased and continued until the late Qajar era.

In addition to the economic and commercial functions of the Islamic cities, various social, religious, and political fields have played an indelible role, and along with mosques, the central and important part of the texture of old cities has been created.

Bazaars in the old cities usually formed in connection with the main roads and the main gate of the city, Jami Mosque and the main square of the city and gradually expanded. With the expansion of the Bazaar, new needs emerged that led to the emergence of spaces and monuments in the Bazaar, including Khan, Tymcheh, houses, Mint, manufacturing and service workshops and public buildings including Mosque, Husseinieh, Water Depot, Bath and coffee shop.

The most important characteristics of Iran's traditional Bazaars are the presence of main or secondary trains, the existence of commercial complexes that have warehouses and temporary shopping centers, as well as the existence of commercial housing complexes such as Qaisariya, Tymcheh and Badajd. With the expansion of the Bazaar, along with this place, a caravanserai, a bath, a school, a monastery and other facilities such as park and polo land were established.

Today, we see significant changes in the architecture of the Bazaars, the construction of passages, modern Bazaars, multi-purpose commercial complexes with a diverse structure and architecture derived from western architecture, including these changes.