Kashk Kadoo as a appetizer of Kerman Food

Kashk Kadoo (Zucchini whey)

Kashk Kadoo Zucchini is high in vitamin C and lutein, both of which are beneficial to the eye. This vegetable is very useful for preventing diseases caused by vitamin C deficiency, preventing colon cancer and losing weight.

Kashk Kadoo

In addition, in ancient medicine cold and cooling properties are mentioned. Also Zucchini and its seeds have a strong effect on preventing lung cancer. However, there is no reason not to use this nutrient. Kashk Kadoo is one of the other traditional Kermani foods with low calories and suitable for diet programs. The main ingredients of this delectable meal include whey, zucchini, dried onions, dried garlic, dried mint, walnut powder, salt, spices and oil. Green zucchini and High quality whey are the main part of this dish. Kashk Kado is high in calcium and strengthens your bones because of its high whey content. Kerman is always at the forefront of creating new and fresh flavors. Kashk Kado is one of those Pleasant new flavors that the kind people of Kerman warmly love to cook.

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