In this issue:

• IPRA News • Conferences
• Spotlight on Commissions
• Member contributions • Publications
The IPRA Quarterly Newsletter is a publication of the International Peace Research Association (IPRA). Previous issues are available. Members are invited to summit articles and announcements to:
EDITORS' NOTE: This section features news and announcements. CLICK HERE to read an overview.
The 29th IPRA General Conference and Assembly will be held in Trinidad-Tobago in 2023. Read more...
IPRA's connections and collaboration networks renewed at the 2021 General Conference. Read more... In commemoration of the UN's International Day of Living Together in Peace, co-Secretary General Matt Meyer published a special op-ed article for the International Science Council. Read more.... IPRA's Council affirmed two new Council seats for Indigenous Peoples to strengthen Indigenous Representation on IPRA Governance. Read more...
IPRA expands its Newsletter Editorial Team and communication group and integrates regional associations with the Journal of Resistance Studies as well as the journal Peace & Change. Read more...IPRA’s dynamic Executive Committee comprises diversity with representation from Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and USA. Best wishes to the newly-elected Marcela Agudelo (Colombia), Stephen Amoah (Ghana), Wim Laven (USA), Sri Nuryanti (Indonesia) and Nils Vidar Vambheim (Norway), who join SGs Matt Meyer and Christine Atieno in service of day-to-day oversight of our work.


The EuPRA 2021 Conference – Tampere, Finland has been postponed until mid-May 2022. The theme of the conference is ‘Empowering peace: The role of civil society in peace building and conflict transformation’. The call for papers can be found at: The deadline for abstracts has been extended to 15th December 2021.
“A new normal is possible and necessary" is the theme of the XII Latin American Congress of Research for Peace (CLAIP 2021 Congress) held online on August 3-7, 2021. Read more...


Report from the Pathways to Peace and Justice (PPJ) to the Secretary Generals. CLICK HERE for more details.
The International Network of Museums for Peace (INMP) announces two free events in the 2021 INMP WEBINAR & WORKSHOP SERIES: (1) a webinar, “Museums for Peace and COVID: One Year Later” and (2) a workshop, “Digital Transformation in Museums Today: Connecting to Audiences,” Read more... .
IPRA member Hans Günter Brauch, has established a new foundation, Peace and Ecology in the Anthropocene (HGBS). Read more... .


In the article The Culture-Climate Nexus Connection, Mokua Ombati grounds the centrality of cultural ritual practices for responding and adapting to rainfall variability in Africa. Read more... The Dialogue of the Civilizations in Liquid Globalization is an essay in which Andreas Herberg-Rothe explains a paradigm for constructive dialogue and mutual understanding in this era of increasing violence; social, political, and economic insecurities; and identity dissolution. Read more....Several Actions to Protect Roma and 'Travelers,' including a recent Council of European Union recommendation to protect Roma people, and a special section in the French journal Ballast about the plight of gens du voyage ['Travelers'] compiled by IPRA Newsletter Editor Maria Subert. Read more.... Aloys Rugazia describes the rising hope for a unified Tanzania with the succession of the 6th President of Tanzania in the article, The Tale of the 1st Female President in Tanzania. Read more... In "Hegemonic Military Masculinity Hinders Effective Response to Pandemic Crisis," Maria Subert analyses crisis communication in the United States during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Read more... Ravi P. Bhatia contributes a poem, "Buddha, Peaceful Prayers from Millions
CLICK HERE to read the poem.


B.M. Jain's new book, Geopsychology and International Relations in the 21st Century (Lexington Books), introduces an innovative theoretical construct of geopsychology to navigate the complex dynamics of international politics in the 21st century.

Hans Günter Brauch, series editor with the SpringerBriefs reports that volume 30 on Decolonising Conflicts, Security, Peace, Gender, Environment and Development in the Anthropocene (Springer, 2021) has been shipped to libraries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Read more...