I'm not as old but I absolutely concur. I have spent years developing a custom sound scheme on my phone. I want the ability to set the sound used as the default tone, I do NOT want it set for me. Had I know about this "feature" of iOS 17, I would have ignore the update.

I am old and need the different tones to separate which app wants my attention. Also, because I don't hear as well as I used to, I need a tone that I can make loud enough to hear and one that lasts a length of time more than a nanosecond. I miss so many notifications that involve work and security. I love my iPhone 12 Pro Max and that my Mac, iPad, and Apple Watch are all integrated and work well together to get work done. But, if I don't hear distinct notifications on the phone or the watch, the whole Apple ecosystem becomes a black hole where ones and zeros die.

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I understand with iOS 17.2 users can now change the default notification tone, but it would be great if we can pick sounds depending on the app so we can truly customise the phone. Having the same sound for every app notification is rather annoying, especially if you're with other people who all have iPhones and you don't know if its your phone that's going off or someone else's. Just please allow us to pick the sounds based on the app.

Likewise, no one here in this user-to-user forum would know why Apple does or does not do something. However, I'd guess all the complaints in this forum about the loudness of notifications sounds might have something to do with it.

Submit the compliant to both Apple and Nest - here are the options - Apple needs to allow us to pick our own alert tones like android does and Nest (or any company) needs to add tone selections to the apps - this is an absolute nightmare for security systems - click below to let Apple know

I'm with you. My first and only smartphones have all been iPhone since 2011. Seriously looking at moving over to Android. It may seem such a trivial thing to some but I rely on booking notifications for my job. A five or ten second delay in responding can be the difference as to whether I secure the job for the day.

I am hard of hearing and cannot get a hearing aids. So, when I updated this, nearly all of my alerts and rings are gone. I cannot hear the faint beep for my alerts and notifications. And I am missing several of my alarms for every day things like taking my needed medications and waking up to go to work, doctors, hearing the notification on my ring (safety issue), etc. I rely on those alerts, notifications, and alarms daily. Whomever thought of this change, did not think of the hard of hearing people and the elderly. Bye bye iPhone as soon as I pay this phone off, adios. Please put it back.

Please fix this "default" sound (called Rebound) with an updated version of IOS orrrrr allow the end user to select whatever tone they want tto use for 3rd party apps just as we do for texting functions, email, etc.

No...this is not the solution to the problem we are referring to. The default alert sound used to be Tri-Tone. For some strange reason, Apple decided to change it to Rebound, a very quiet tone, in iOS 17.

Same here. I rely on hearing the notification so that I can accept bookings (Substitute teacher) really quickly before others snap it up. I have to have the phone in my hand and constantly look at it.

IOS users there is a solution to better notifications - There is a way to receive a phone call when the Arlo security is triggered. This uses the IFTTT app (if this then that' automation app) - took me 5 minutes to set up and it works great.

It uses the default tone on IOS. This was a change from apple, not Hubitat. You can use pushover and use different sounds based on the severity of the notifications. It's what I've been using for years.

Exactly. The worst change in all iOS 17. They also changed the vibration so all apps have the same vibration. I used to recognize apps via the vibration and I knew what is important and what is not only by the vibration. So now I am looking for a way to downgrade because notifications are the BASICS of the phone and they changed it without a chance to customise it back yourself. No thanks.

Dear Apple,After os17 update the notification sound has changed, liked other people are also mentioning and it is becoming very annoying and not able change it make situation more worst.It unnecessarily make us think that what compromise we can face without our consent in the upcoming updates !!

I hate this, but the way I fixed it was shortened a song on my MacBook and made sure i could see it in my Music. Then configure an automation on the iPhone (Shortcuts>Automation) that would set a tone when a certain person texted me - you can also do for specific works as well. I had it set to run automatically, and then tested it out.

I really don't like this change, and because i only had 1 different tone needed for a single person the automation worked. If it was for everyone/Everything - it would totally be a different experience.

This is a show stopper for me, as I use the default notification for security and other brokerage notifications. If a way is not provided to change the default notification, I will seriously consider going back to an android phone after being on an iphone for over 10 years before. Android offers more customization features and does not FORCE users to use a specific notification sound. I will continue to search for a way to resolve this issue, and hope someone finds a resolution soon.

@APPLE The changes implemented as part of iOS 17 update to the default notification TONE & associated VIBRATION alerts ARE > > > A MAJOR PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY CONCERN !!