The solution there didn't work. It had me delete my gmail account (not sure if it should have been iCloud account instead). I lost all my emails. I added them back in by creating the account again. However, ALL my calendars are completely blank (iPhone calendar, Awesome Calendar (1 & 2).

I have two subscriptions two different calendards, one is refreshing, the other one not.I checked the http headers for the different subscriptions and found out that the working one has several cache related http headers set:

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Conclusion: It looks like there is some kind of off by one bug in the iOS Calendar sync logic. iOS syncs the first n-1 calendars, but not the nth subscribed calendar. The workaround is to add an extra dummy calendar subscription after the subscriptions you care about, but I can't ask this of my intended users. How do we escalate this to Apple?

I drove from Auburn, AL to Atlanta and back 3 days in a row. My time would automatically set to EDT but not back to CDT until turned phone off and back on. I noticed on the morning after the last return my that my calendar events had shifted one day earlier and some apparently gone away but showed on my list view but not the day view, again on the wrong days.

To sync between eM Client and your phone, you need to have an online calendar that both can access. Examples that work with eM Client are Google, Yahoo!, iCloud, Fruux, or any service that offers the CalDAV service.

If I then go onto the Calendar app and then to the day that I know the invite is for, it will appear, but it will be greyed out, awaiting my accepting. But of course, if I don't know I've been sent an invite, then it won't get picked up by me until I scroll through my calendar. If I respond to the invite on my Mac it shows up under "replied" in the invites section but there are never any new invites on my phone Calendar app when I'll have numerous on my Mac calendar app.

This is ridiculous! Apple fix your issue. I have the same problem and nothing has worked. I use my iPhone 11 more regularly for work than personal so obviously, the calendar app is needed. Correct your software/updates PLEASE!

This worked for me too. Thanks TexAmato. I do want to say that it is extremely stupid that I have to rotate my phone to get to the calendar. Apple if you are listening fix this issue. I will admit rotating the phone is better than force closing and opening again but still makes no sense whatsoever that this is happening.

Apple needs to fix this obvious software glitch. I can't even swipe the app out of memory to fix it - I had to shut down the phone and then restart it. It made me not want to use the iPhone calendar app. However the landscape mode is a good temporary fix.

Whenever I receive a meeting invite through email and open the attached "ics" file and click "Add to Calendar", the meeting is added to my iphone calendar and it seems to be on the correct exchange account. But I can only see it on my iPhone and this event doesn't get pushed to exchange so I can't sync it to my Macbook calendar or see it on

Thank you for confirming for us. If you open the email with the invitation on your Mac and add it to your calendar there, does it sync to Outlook and your iPhone? This will help you isolate the issue to the sync from your iPhone to your Exchange account. If you can do this, you might try removing the account and adding it on your iPhone again. This will help make sure all the ActiveSync settings are refreshed:

When I cancel a meeting I organized on my Iphone's calendar, it does not send the cancellation to invitees and does not cancel the meeting from my Exchange calendar when viewing it in the Office 365 Outlook program.

While Apple pre-sets a default calendar for you when first setting up your device, you can go in and select the calendar you want to be your default calendar. This will be the designated calendar (though it can be changed later) that the app will be set to when creating a new event.

Creating calendars that connect to specific activities and/or groups is a great way to keep your personal and group schedules clean and organized. The selected colors - which can range from any color you want - picked per calendar will also help decipher which event is in which group.

Calendar creation does not need to be a solo project, it can also be done through the sending of invitations. These allow more than one person to view and add events to the calendar they are a part of.

Sharing calendars with others is a fun way to be able to see what other family members and/or friends are doing so you can find free time to plan a trip, go out to dinner, or just spend time with one another.

While you can create collaborative calendars with others, sometimes you want them to only see one event (like a party, wedding, etc.). Calendar allows you to send invites to people who use Apple devices.

To send an invite, you will need their email address - primarily their email that is connected to their Apple ID. As of right now, you cannot send calendar invites through iMessage or any other messaging app.

When using an iOS native app - such as iMessage or Mail - you can tap on dates and times to add them directly to your calendar. This does not currently work with third-party messaging, mail, and/or web apps.

By doing this, you will save a lot of time with creating events and organizing your calendar. Once you get the flow of creating calendar events this way, you will never miss being reminded of an event in the future.

When customizing your Focus Mode in settings, you can scroll down and select "Focus Filters". Once tapping on it, you can select which app you want to filter - here it will be Calendar. Once you do, you can select which calendar you want only displayed once this Focus Mode is enacted.

There are also three different variations to choose from. "Up Next" showcases your upcoming events for the current day and comes in all sizes (large can showcase your events happening the following day), "Month" gives you a calendar view and highlights the current date (only available in the small size), and "List" will showcase you your upcoming events for the current and following days (only available in large).

While Apple continues to update their operating systems, it is no secret that they will continue to add new features and ways of viewing and editing your calendar(s) to make using the application more functional and straightforward.

Going to Settings > Passwords > Subscribe calendar > Other, but I can't do it since I have a local .ics file, and things like Pastebin doesn't seem to work. I also don't have this file in my iCloud account and I can't export (no options) .ics files in there.

Does anyone know how to deal with the most recent iteration of this thing? Everyone is saying "settings/accounts and passwords (for older versions of iOS, I guess)/ remove the subscription, apparently that worked for some people in the past but it is nowhere near that easy, the thing has evolved (I have no such subscription and cannot even remove what calendars I do have). It is also slowing down my device in a big way. I even deleted the Calendar app, I keep getting the pop ups (now with audio); I tried a installing a third party calendar app, that clean your iphone messages keeps showing up a million times per day as a calendar event. I guess soon I will restore the device to factory settings (or figure out the best way to wipe the chip clean), before I do I'm hoping somebody has figured it out (or will soon, at least).

Yea, that's what I been thinking about (and avoiding, lol), thanks for the step-by-step link. As for how, who knows, it's a virus and is programmed to do some funky things. With no calendar app it is just the pop up, with either calendar app (Apple's or a the third party one I have now) it is still a pop but also a Calendar event. I'll give it a little more time for someone to figure it out but I might just have to start over from scratch, I guess.

Thanks for taking the time to try to help but that was the first thing I tried, it if was that easy I would have had it fixed inside of five minutes. I have no unrecognized calendars and I cannot even delete the ones that are there (no idea if that would help - I suppose it could have attached itself to an existing calendar). This thing has mutated and gotten a lot smarter since it first surfaced, I'm sure someone will figure it out, just don't know how long I will be able to put up with this.

If you have the same problem I did, and I guess that is very probable, you don't have to do a factory reset. I can't remember exactly how we figured it out, it wasn't as simple as deleting on specific calendar (I see I no longer have an Outlook calendar), but it was a senior tech at Apple who figured it out. I was on the phone with the guy for an hour or two, it couldn't have been as simple as deleting a calendar from the list, but there is a way to eradicate this thing without the pain of a factory reset. I wish I could remember exactly what he had me do - good luck.

In the past week, I have had someone else's calendar events begin appearing on my iPhone's calendar. (We will call this phone "IPHONE #1".) While I got this iPhone used, the person I bought it from does not recognize any of these events, and so it isn't a sync from their calendar.

Here's where I am thinking this may have came from, and I want to fix it ASAP. I had another iPhone that I recently sold to a friend. (IPHONE #2) I had it previously synched with my itunes Apple ID, but before I sold it to him, I thought I did a security wipe. The strange entries on my calendar include names of my friend's family members, but some of the info he is posting is embarrassing and I would rather NOT tell him I have seen any of his private notes. Any ideas?I want to stop this without him knowing I have seen anything thus far.

Sounds almost like the device is still linked to your iCloud account and that is why it is syncing that calendar. Log into and see if the device still appears as active in your iCloud account. If so, you need to remove it. e24fc04721

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