IPDIMS proceedings of all the accepted & registered papers of will be submitted to SCOPUS indexed Springer Lecture Notes for the possible publication .

Submission Last date: 15-10-2021
Through EasyChair or mail to icipdims@gmail.com

About the Conference

Product Design is the idea generation to commercialize the product by a systematic approach, conceptualize and evaluate ideas to create a product. The product designer's role is to combine art, science, and technology to create new products that people can use. Their evolving role has been facilitated by digital tools that now allow designers to communicate, visualize, analyze and produce tangible ideas in a way that would have taken greater man power in the past. Smart Manufacturing is a broad category of manufacturing with the goal of optimizing concept generation, production, and product transaction. While manufacturing can be defined as the multi-phase process of creating a product out of raw materials, smart manufacturing is a subset that employs computer control and high levels of adaptability. Smart manufacturing aims to take advantage of advanced information and manufacturing technologies to enable flexibility in physical processes to address a dynamic and global market. The theme IPDIMS-20 discusses the current issues that are facing in industries. In this conference, a wide range of fields like Computer Science, Electronics, Electrical, Automation, Robotics, 3D Printing, Smart Manufacturing, Mechatronics, Composite Materials and many more. The research related to all fields of engineering likely to be covered in this conference. Experts from industries and academia deliver the keynote lecture at this conference.

About Host

Department of Industrial Design at National Institute of Technology Rourkela was established in 2010 to flourish in the emerging areas of design fields. NIT Rourkela provides quality education in a diverse and multi-cultural environment. The mission of the institute is to become an internationally acclaimed institution of higher learning that will serve as a source of knowledge and expertise for the society and be a preferred destination for undergraduate and graduate studies.

Department of Mechanical Engineering is often called the mother of all engineering. It covers a host of subjects: properties of materials, structural design, material processing, manufacturing, heat engines, refrigeration and air conditioning, industrial management, robotics and much more. The Mechanical Engineering Department of NIT, Rourkela is known for research in most of these fields. The main foci of research are on mechanical vibration, robotics, CAD/CAM, precision engineering, Metal forming, manufacturing, CFD, Industrial refrigeration and Cryogenics.

Call for Papers

TRACK 1:Innovative Product Design

  • Design Aesthetics

  • Ergonomics Design

  • UX/UI Design

  • Human Computer Interaction

  • Computer Aided Design

  • Design for Cost & Sustainability

  • Design Creativity & Optimization

  • Design for Sustainability

TRACK 2:Intelligent Manufacturing Systems

  • Artificial Intelligence in manufacturing processes

  • Optimization and simulation

  • Process planning and Scheduling

  • Smart Manufacturing

  • Virtual Manufacturing

  • Robotics, Mechatronics & Automation

  • Precision engineering and metrology

  • Supply Chain Management


Submission Guidelines

Prospective authors from India are invited to submit manuscripts reporting original, unpublished research and recent developments in the topics related to the conference. Submissions must include title, abstract, author affiliation with the email address and keywords as per template which is available in the website. The paper should not contain page numbers or any special headers or footers. Regular papers should present novel perspectives within the general scope of the conference. Short papers (Work-in-Progress) are an opportunity to present preliminary or interim results. The paper length should be in 6-8 pages Literature reviews/survey papers will only be considered if they present a new perspective or benefit the field. To be published, such papers must go beyond a review of the literature to define the field in a new way or highlight exciting new technologies or areas of research. All submitted papers will be subjected to a "similarity test" by Turnitin Software. Papers achieving a minimal similarity index i.e. less than 15% will be examined, and those are deemed unacceptable will be rejected/withdrawn without a formal review.

Click/copy the below link to download paper format at the bottom of the web-page. Please use word format for manuscript preparation.


Policy on Plagiarism

  • Authors are requested to kindly refrain from plagiarism in any form. Authors should submit their original and unpublished research work not under consideration for publication everywhere.

  • Manuscript found to be plagiarised during any stage of review shall be rejected

  • As per the copyright transfer agreement, authors are deemed to be individually or collectively responsible for the content of the manuscript published by them.