Privacy Policy for IP Camera Monitor & Viewer

This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which IP Camera Monitor & Viewer ("we", "us", or "our") collects, uses, maintains, and discloses information collected from users (each, a "User") of the IP Camera Monitor & Viewer mobile application ("App").


Information Collection and Use:




The app requires internet access to enable various features such as streaming camera feeds and accessing cloud services.


These permissions are necessary to allow the app to save and retrieve files from your device's external storage. It enables features such as storing recorded videos and snapshots locally.


The camera permission is essential for the app to access your device's camera functionality. This allows users to view live camera feeds and take snapshots.


This permission enables the app to record audio along with video, enhancing the monitoring capabilities of the app.


Data Collection:

Usage Information:

We may collect information about how the app is accessed and used. This includes data such as your device's unique identifier, IP address, usage patterns, and interactions with the app's features.

Camera and Audio Data:

When you use the app to monitor camera feeds or record audio, we may collect and store this data locally on your device. This data is only accessed and processed within the app for monitoring purposes.

Personal Information:

We do not collect any personally identifiable information unless it is voluntarily provided by the user. Users may choose to provide personal information, such as their email address or username, for account registration or support purposes.


Data Usage:

The data collected by the app is used solely for the purpose of providing and improving the app's functionality and services. This may include troubleshooting, analysis of usage trends, and enhancing the user experience.

We do not sell, trade, or rent users' personal identification information to third parties.



We are committed to ensuring the security of your information. We implement appropriate data collection, storage, and processing practices and security measures to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction of your personal information and data stored on our app.


Changes to this Privacy Policy:

We reserve the right to update this privacy policy at any time. We encourage users to frequently check this page for any changes to stay informed about how we are helping to protect the personal information we collect. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this privacy policy periodically and become aware of modifications.


Your Consent:

By using the IP Camera Monitor & Viewer app, you signify your acceptance of this privacy policy. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use our app. Your continued use of the app following the posting of changes to this policy will be deemed your acceptance of those changes.


Contact Us:

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of this app, or your dealings with this app, please contact us at

This document was last updated on 16.05.2024.