Recently I noticed my ipad will not go to sleep if I am reading on the Kindle app or leave the app open and walk away. I can't pinpoint which ios or kindle app release this started happening. Anyone else notice this? I have the latest version of both apps running.

Tried the first method you suggested. It didn't work for me. What I have to keep doing which is very annoying is power down and restart the iPad. This does unfreeze the material I am trying to read. The problem is that if I leave the kindle content and do something else on my pad or don't use it for a few hours the Kindle material is once again frozen and I have to restart the iPad. Do you think I should delete the Kindle app completely and the reload it? This all started when Kindle changed the look of their app icon to the child reading a book.

Ipad Won 39;t Download Kindle App

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Thank you. I went to my purchased apps and there was an update for kindle. I updated the app and it now works. I wanted to try the reboot but couldn't locate the sleep and home buttons. Maybe I should read up on where these buttons are. Thank you for your help with this matter

I have another ipad from that 2012 that has Kindle for ipad on it and I use it 4 or 5 hours every day for reading. I presumed that I could buy one for my mum and download the same. If it works on mine, why would they make it so freaking difficult to make it work on another exactly the same, if not for vast monetary gain. So, back to my original question, on my exactly the same ipad, same date, same memory, why can I use Kindle App on one and not the other? And how can I download it on the other so that my old mother in hospital can listen to stuff on Audible and read on Kindle? I can do that on my exactly the same spec ipad.

Wrong! I have two ipads the same spec and the same memory. The one I have had from the beginning has Kindle Appnand I regularly use if for reading. The one I bought for my mother is the same spec exactly. I bought it assuming it would do the same as the one I already have. I checked every detail before I bought it to make sure it was the same. However, the one I bought won't download what my other one has. I bought the exact same model as I use every day, believing I could use Kindle for ipad on it, but it won't let me. I've tried going through the endless hoops offered on here, for the last seven hours, but none work. What shall I do? Buy my mother one that costs 200 more that'll get nicked from the hospital?

In terms of whether there is an option, did you try the suggestions in the link Micahala provided from user MichelPM? If after you've tried those suggestions and you still can't get the Kindle app, then no, there is no way you can get the Kindle app on the newer ipad.

Does this still (07-2013) work for iPad/folks? I am brought to the amazon kindle site and everything goes fine until the final submit purchase screen. However, on my IPad, what should be a clickable submit purchase button is not clickable/ not functional! I can't seem to purchase kindle books at all with my iPad ( iPad I ). The same link works fine from a PC.

This is a problem I've been wrestling with for months and I finally deigned to spend the requisite time in a live chat session with Amazon trying to fix, and I believe (two hours later) that I have at least a temprorary solution until they get it together. It's true, one can no longer purchase Kindle books directly through the Kindle app on an iPad. They've simply eliminated the store within the app. AND, you cannot purchase a kindle book on your ipad through either the Amazon app itself, or even the regular Amazon Safari site. You must go to and that is the ONLY place that iPad users can now purchase their Kindle books. - And they do not tell you this anywhere within the Amazon site, it's incredibly frustrating.

So. You can buy your content through your browser on amazons site. And then access it through the kindle app. But you can't buy content from the app itself. That inconvenience is to encourage you to buy your content from Apple. It's certainly not because amazon wants it that way...

Same problem on kindle fire ereader thing, deleted didn't work. Logged into amazon website and looked at prime reading, from there was able to check back in old magazines and check out new ones. They then showed up on both readers but still can't access new content direct from the app!

All your kindle books are held on your Kindle account on Amazon. The books will only be downloaded to devices (e.g. iPad and PC) if you have downloaded the Kindle App and registered that device with your Kindle account. By deleting them from your iPad, the books are still held on Amazon and you can download them as required to your Kindle-registered PC any time you want.

Hiya to delete books from kindle app you need to go onto amazon on your laptop/PC, Then into your account then click manage your kindle on the drop down choices. Press actions at the end of each book and press delete from library.

what happens if you have two ipads - the original and the air, and delete books from original ipad. Will it remain in the kindle library in the cloud, on the computer(laptop/desktop) and on the ipad air? I just want to free up some space on my original ipad but keep my books on my ipad air yet.

I have an ipad 6 (2018) with home button. I had difficulties with the Kindle app where it got stuck on a book and I couldn't get back to the home page/library. So I uninstalled the Kindle app, then did an Ipad forced reboot by holding down the sleep/power button and home button at the same time until I saw the Apple logo, then tried do go back to the App Store to re-install the Kindle app, but the App Store still thinks I have it installed. If I look in Settings, there is indeed a bit of a left-over from Kindle (without the proper app logo), please see the attached picture. How can I remove that and then reinstall the Kindle app from scratch?

I read a lot of books on the kindle app on my ipad and take notes in evernote. It's pretty clunky as it involves app switching and you can't copy/paste from kindle/ibooks due to DRM. If you highlight and/or make notes in the kindle app these are available if you log in to your amazon account through a web browser. Has anyone found a way to automatically sync these highights and notes to evernote? I see a lot of talk about manual solutions but nothing automatic.

Partly. One book which I deleted on the kindle app on my iMac is still there, but others which I've deleted on the Amazon website using "manage your devices" were successfully deleted (choose the "Delete permanently" option).

Hi there, getting your kindle books on your iPad is as simple as downloading the kindle app from the app store, once downloaded and signed into with your amazon account, all your books should be displayed nicely in the "cloud" tab and avilable to download and be picked up at the same point you left off.

If it's pdf files and not books you're looking to transfer, I'm not sure if the app will do this for you so you may need to plug your kindle into your computer and transfer the files from your computer to your iPad via iTunes or something similar (apps such as dropbox).

Amazon and most other developers do allow you to get an older version of their app. First, download the app on itunes using the same ID you're using on the ipad. Then go back to your ipad, launch the appstore and go to 'purchased'. You should now see kindle in the list. Hit the install button and it will give you the option to download an older version of the app, usually the last one that supported your ios version ( for an ipad 1 you may want to upgrade to ios 5.1.1, the latest allowed).

I've tried multiple CSS styles but nothing seems to change. I'm testing on Kindle Previewer, iPhone X, kindle paper white (older device) and iPad. All these devices seem to react to CSS differently and the iPad seems to completely ignore my image styles. No matter what I set the iPAD images don't change. How can I make sure the images are never too large? I want the image to be small enough so that text is also on the same page. Ideal never larger than about 30% of the screen.

You should try the Libby app or onedrive app. You can rent/borrow books with a local library card and use it on the app and be able to read it on your kindle/phone/iPad. And there are even audiobooks to borrow as well. All for free!! Definitely has saved me tons bc I like reading so much. ?

@Dusty1...Kind of a long story, but to answer your question thoroughly, there is no way to shorten my answer. lol I bought my first laptop in 2010. Shortly thereafter, my husband bought an iPad. It easily did a lot of the things I was doing on a regular computer, but it was so much easier to hold than a laptop. So I eventually bought a cheapie android tablet from the Q (an 8-inch Lepan) to try a tablet out for myself. I loved it! For me, the 8-inch size is perfect. Easily held, easily seen, and easy to take somewhere. That size is so much better for viewing than a phone. My smart phone screen is 5.5 inches, and the larger 8-in screen makes a world of difference. My mom fell and was in rehabilitative care for several weeks, and I visited for several hours a day. The small size of the tablet was so convenient to take back and forth to the facility.

The Lepan still works but has had a few issues. When a few problems started, I decided to treat myself to the iPad mini since I knew I loved the 8-inch size. Best Buy had it on sale for $299, so I got one. My word. The world of difference in everything I mentioned in my first post on this thread was unbelievable. 

So then...I was reading and hearing about how wonderful the Amazon tablets are. We have Amazon prime, so I was intrigued to find out what an Amazon tablet would be like. I was also curious about their browser (Silk) and about their app store. Since they're relatively inexpensive, I bought one. Compared to the other two tablets, I was disappointed. Several apps that I use aren't there including a local news channel and Kohl's to name two. I had to sideload Google Play in order to get those apps. Yes, I could use the Silk browser and go to the regular mobile web page, but many times, an app will work more easily than the mobile web page on a tablet. 

So December, the Q had a TSV on a cheapie 10-inch tablet...I don't remember the brand of it, but it got me to wondering if I would like a bigger tablet than my 8-inch tablets. My husband's iPad is close to 10 inches, but he has a huge, bulky case on it, so I couldn't tell if I would like that size or not. I didn't buy the Q's brand but did buy Best Buy's 10-inch tablet to try it out for size. It was such a piece of junk! It only worked for 6 months, but I found it so heavy and cumbersome to hold. I was so glad I tried the 10-inch size with an inexpensive tablet rather than buy a 10-inch iPad and hate the size. As a woman with small hands, an 8-inch tablet is perfect for size and readability.

So in a few short years, I've had two android tablets, a Fire, and an iPad mini. lol The funny thing is that I got the iPad mini after I bought a MacBook Pro w/retina display, and once I saw how much I dearly loved the ipad mini, I put my Macbook Pro back on my desk and have used it as a desktop computer ever since. lol When I have a lot of typing to do or want to see something on a bigger screen, I come in here and use my Macbook, but for everyday use, I love, love, love, love, love a tablet! As a bonus, the iPad mini has phenomenal voice to text capabilities, so I often dictate responses like this (if they're going to be and also dictate on facebook and in emails. I rarely use the keyboard on my iPad mini, because the voice to text capability is so spot on and easy to do. 2351a5e196

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