Is there a way to transfer Office 365 files to a USB drive on the iPad Pro? I travel around the world and often have to give a file, e.g. powerpoint file, to someone for a presentation. If I replace my Macbook Pro with the iPad Pro, I need to be able to get presentations and other files onto a thumb drive. I've looked as SanDisk and other apps/devices but don't find a solution. The iPad Pro would be a great replacement if I could do this one operation.

This issue may have long been solved, but if not here's one that worked! File Manager or File Manager Pro by LTD DevelSoftware. (btw it gets very few and poor reviews which is a bit bizarre because it is very slick and functions great). I used it to get my PowerPoint files from my iPad Air to a USB stick plugged into a RAVPower device which is a small hot spot WiFi Hub. This is a small workaround but it works. First configure the software so that it reads your device through either DNLA or SMB. It will scan automatically, which is nice. Then configure a cloud service such as DropBox in File Manager. Then export your Keynote or PowerPoint file to Dropbox the normal way. And from there copy or move it using File Manager to your USB drive which is plugged into whatever and identified by File Manager. Worked great!

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Just found how to move word docs, etc to ixpand flash drive. My wife if bedfast and uses her ipad all of the time. I mostly got the sandisk ixpand thumb drive to put her pictures on for a back up and for her to look at family pictures copied from my computer. But, then she wanted to write a word document and for me to print it off that ixpand thumb drive. I installed the word app on her ipad. You go to the file created in the word app and on the side with some dots, choose to share to another app. Search the apps and pick the ixpand app and copy the file to it and it will copy to the ixpand thumb drive.

You need to reformat the drive on a computer from ExFat to MS-DOS Fat as a lot of current and older electronic devices that can have access/read USB flash drives cannot read the ExFat format, but CAN read MS-DOS format.

It looks like this only works with photos or videos. I have created a presentation in PowerPoint on the iPad and want to copy it to the drive. I don't see any way to get it to the drive. In the San Disk app (San Disk Connected Drive) it refers to My Downloads. I can use my computer to copy files into My Downloads and I can open them, but saving a new file is not as easy.

The apple tech agreed that there was no way to transfer a file to a thumb drive without a laptop which defeats the purpose. I travel around the world and often need to have my presentation on a thumb drive to put on the conference computer. Many times, even in the US, there is no wireless network available on the host computer. The wireless SanDisk drive seemed like a great solutions. In fact, I hope someone will make a device like this that allows airdrop to transfer files. If that were available, I would be getting on a plane with a new iPad Pro. Now, I just bring my 15" Macbook Pro. Thanks for the help..

I have an external hard drive I used for my pc laptop (which has now died). I can plug the drive into my new ipad pro (no extra power source needed) with a usb-c to usb adapter. Then I can see all my old files on the ext hd and can save any photos through the Files app to my ipad photos. But, when I select photos from ipad photos and share, save to files it lets me open all folders in the ext hd but the save button is greyed out.

Just purchased an Ipad 2 and very much love it. However, I do alot of photography and video taking. I want to use the ipad for editing photos and the videos. But then because these will quickly eat up my 32GB of storage I want to offload these to an external source like an external drive. I am quickly finding out that such a thing does not exist unless someone knows of one. There are of course cloud services but these are generally costly compared an external drive.

Thank you for the reply. However, this only helps with transporting the photos back it forth. I then would need to figure out a way of taking the card and copying the files to the external hard drive.

Your information is not correct. According to the vendor that you reference you cannot copy from the Ipad to this external can only copy from the external drive to the ipad. This is only a one-way flow.

I'm not aware of any that allow writing to from the iPad (though that maybe an iOS restriction). The Hyperdrive that Michael linked to has memory card slots in it (not sure whether all models do), so you can copy from your cards directly onto the drive, and then either copy from the card (via the CCK) or the drive to your iPad - so you can have the original unedited files backed up.

No, it is not possible to copy data from an iPad to an external drive. However with the "Hard Drive for iPad" you can edit the data directly on the external drive. The draw back is that you have to put the data on the drive before you can access it on the iPad. The other hard drive, the 'iPad Hard Drive" has card slots which can be used to get your data onto the drive.

In short it is not possible to do exactly what you want to do, which, incidentally I also wanted to do, but one of the Sanho external drives may help you to get close. King Penguin is correct in that iOS does not allow for copying of data to an external storage source.

World's only iPad compatible USB hard drive

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Couple of ideas that would be a bit slow is to email them to yourself when finished (if small enough) then put on your computer. Not clear why hyperdrive wouldn't work since you can just work with them there. I'm like you, would be nice the other way and there is the 64G pad2 but still a bit limited with videos' sizes.

I use the Camera connection kit to get photos onto the iPad and the use Dropbox (app and on pc) to upload them from iPad And the store on pc. Can have external hard drive connected to pc. Dropbox basic is free. Try it

As williamfromboulder creek above correctly points out, you certainly can write to a wifi drive. I upload my photo's & videos from my iPad 2 to a Seagate Goflex Satellite wifi HD. I installed a FTP server to it (drive is Linux based) & there are several good ftp clients on the App Store, a nice fast free one being "MediaTransfer".

Is this a physical drive? In other words, is there a disk inside that drive that is spinning? It may be the iPad does not have the power to handle powering the drive and the iPad. You may need a powered hub to use to connect that device to the iPad.

I'm having the same issue. I can not export or save the file from my Ipad to the google drive. When I open the files and go to google drive, I can see the files there but they are grayed out with a red circle with a white line. It doesn't even work when I export it as a PNG. Same thing gray file with red circle and white line. Was there a fix for this?

This is exactly what I'm trying to do on mine, but google drive is grayed out. Going back up the thread, seems like it worked for a few people but not everyone. What version of iOS are you using? Did you do anything special with the authentication settings on gdrive? I would like to get this working and so far haven't heard anything from official support...

@Dan C Ok, I just uninstalled both Drive and Affinity Designer, updated to the latest iOS (14.4), reinstalled drive, then reinstalled Affinity. I also from the Drive app went to Settings and turned off Privacy Screen, to see if that helped. None of it made a difference at all (apart from deleting my custom swatches and brushes, luckily I backed up my work before deleting Affinity).

iPadOS 13.1 has changed from previous versions by greying out any third party drive that haven't supported their API completely. This requires the third party to support the Files API properly, as this export path from Affinity requires 'Folder Output' support, which is only officially supported in iPadOS 13."

Download the file to a local drive, then open it. When finished upload the file after saving. It is best practice to work on files that are on a local drive. When working on a file opened on a nonlocal drive is like playing Russian Roulette.

I have not specifically tried it, however, USB drives are accessible via the Files app. One of the Infuse sources you can add, is anything in Files. So, seems like it should definitely work, anything Files can access, Infuse should be able to.

Thanks. I only have iPad Pro, which should work with external drives. However in some videos on YouTube about iPad and external storage, people have occasional issues (not videos about Nomad, just videos about iPads and external storage generally)

Thanks for the ideas. I suppose cloud storage is actually better protection against loss of files than a physical hard drive, but I do like the idea of actually having the physical drive! Probably makes sense to max out the free cloud options as well though.

For some reason some, but not all, photos are backed up elsewhere. What I really want to know is whether the wireless drive has the ability to extract an image directly from the iPad into the drive. It seems that images can load into the iPad directly from the drive, but can they go directly from the tablet to the drive wirelessly? I would like to be able to do that while not connected to the internet in any way. If it can do that I will most likely buy one. And thanks for responding.

For now I will tell you how to copy all your iPad photos & videos to either your computer or to a drive connected to it. Once done you will be able to go into the folder you copied either place and see your photos and videos and find the particular ones you want.

I take photos with a digital camera. I copy some onto an iPad where I do some editing to them in Photoshop Express, Lightroom CC, and/or other image processing apps on the iPad. I then want to copy the edited images onto a hard drive when I am in the field, away from any internet connection, and have the manipulated/edited image, not just the original unedited image, on the external hard drive. When I return to my desktop I simply want to bring those images into it where I can use them to print, further edit, or whatever. ff782bc1db

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