For the last six months or so, attachments on emails I received from others have been randomly "disappearing." I can see the attachments on my iPhone's email reader, and download them, but if I log into the webmail from my Macbook, they're not there. Sometimes, I can forward the email to myself, and the attachments will magically appear. Sometimes, I can download the attachments from my iPhone, and then forward them to myself, and successfully see/download/save the attachments that way.

This has been a very random occurrence. Sometimes the attachments come through just fine. The type of attachment doesn't seem to be the issue. I've "lost" jpegs, mp3s, pdfs, videos. Links seem to be fine. It doesn't seem to be related to browser, either.

Ipad Download Email Attachments


I've been in touch with my email provider (Earthlink) and all they will say is that it's an Apple problem. A friend of mine tried sending a video to her client list, and none of us who had Earthlink accounts received the video, so I'm really skeptical that it's an Apple problem.

Thank you for using Apple Support Communities. From our understanding, when you receive an email with an attachment, the attachment will either not be available at all or will disappear, do we have that right? You mentioned that you can see them on your iPhone, is that correct? Let's see if we can isolate it a bit more. Are there any updates available for your Mac? Does this only happen with your EarthLink email account?

In the Mail app , you can attach photos, videos, and documents to an email. You can also scan a paper document and send it as a PDF attachment, or draw directly in an email and send the drawing as an attachment. Depending on the file size, the attachment might appear inline with the text in the email or as at the end of the email.

Take a new photo or video and attach it to the email: Tap above the keyboard, tap Take Photo or Video, then take a new photo or video. Tap Use Photo or Use Video to insert it into your email, or tap Retake if you want to reshoot it.


So I have had this problem

for a long time and I cant figure out how to make it work.

How do I attach files and other things in an email on the mail app on my iPad?

I can do it so much easier on my phone but some of my work is on my iPad.

I've asked friends and they said it is the same as the phone and I tried doing what I usually do on my phone but with no luck.

Does anybody here know how to get this to work on an iPad?


Thank you. That is a great work around..

Pretty much I'm having trouble finding the insert attatchment button. It's really strange because on my phone I can do it easily. The reason I'm wanting to find the insert attachment button is so I can reply to messages with the attachments. I hope that makes since.

If you're already writing the email, either triple click on the text area and pick attach document for files or attach photo for the photos app. Or if you're feeling adventurous, you could drag and drop from the files app.

Thank u.

The reason I'm asking is because I'm trying to send attachments for class. Multiple attachments and it would be easier to just reply to the email and insert them like I can on my phone. Now when you say tripple tap are you saying triple tap with one finger?

I have never dragged and dropped before.

Is it easy?

Or is there a guide on here somewhere? If it comes down to it I will use the work around with sharing files one by one in separate messages but would like to try these other options first.

Apparently in a recent Apple Mail update the "forward attachments" behavior had the default changed. After many years of being able to forward an attached file with a simple "Forward" command I found that not only did the forwarded message not contain the attachment, the Apple Mail application also would not allow a Drag-n-Drop of the attachment from the received message to the new outgoing message. Clearly this was different behavior than I had previously gotten from the Apple Mail client.

We'd like to help share some helpful ideas to assist you with your issue forwarding emails with more than 5 attachments. Looking over Reply to and forward emails in Mail on iPhone it does not appear there are any limits mentioned. What we would suggest since the email even though comes from the iPhone, it will still pass through the server for Outlook, so we would start with contacting their support to see if there are any compatible conflicts happening from the iOS that they could address if there is an issue with how they are read from iOS 16.2. If you reach out without any success, we would further recommend contacting Apple Support

This issue started with a recent update as everyone else has also experienced. Forwarding attachments is a critical function for my business use. It is extremely disappointing that Apple first created the issue and secondly has been very slow to address and remedy. Apple products used to have a tag line that "it just works." Seems that that is no longer the case. When will Apple fix the problem they created???

I just downloaded the update two days ago with 16.4.1(a). Now I have the problem. Unable to forward attachments as attachments fail to load. And these are PDFs. Also, when expanding or enlarging an attachment, it simply disappears. The software is very unstable in other ways, too.

I am on 16.5.1, both iPad and iPhone and have the same issue. However, I noticed that I get the error message, but when I send anyway the email is sent with an attachment. I BCC myself so I can see what is received.

I have been using Apple products for over 20 years and I love my iPhone and iPad. I use them to do business on the go. Not able to freely email multiple attachments is quite limiting and frankly a joke for Apple to not have a solution to this issue. This is a serious matter world wide and needs to be resolved immediately.

I am using an iPad and running iOS 12.4.3 and Dropbox version 166.2.8. I saw the Dropbox icon fade to black and do its update/cleaning but after this I am no longer able to find access to Dropbox files to use for attachments in mail. I have checked the file app and Dropbox does not appear as an option. Thanks for your help

I'll be glad to look into this with account and device specific information so please let me know if you'd like me to reach out via email using the address that's linked to your profile here on our Community.

Using an iPad for your business opens up a world of possibilities, including being able to work from just about anywhere. That said, certain limitations definitely leave you wanting an actual computer. When sending email attachments, for example, it would be great to be able to select the attachment when creating a message. Unfortunately as of 2012, iOS doesn't work that way; sending attachments requires you to go to the app containing the items which you want to send.

I received a pdf file that was attached to an email. Paperclip shows on notification but not when I open the email. I have an iPad Air version 8.2. I just downloaded the current version of Adobe. I have tried several of the suggestions given on various sites on the Internet but no luck. Any help would be appreciated.

This is very embarassing, I found the file at the bottom of all the rec'd and sent emails and opened it with no problem. I think my problem before was an older version of Adobe??? Sorry for the bother!! D

Please bear in mind...For a single-page PDF document, Apple Mail often embeds a preview image (instead of showing the attachment icon) in an email body. In that case, you need to press & hold over the preview image to display the popover to use the iOS "Open in" feature.

Whether it's a spreadsheet or presentation, a PDF, or plain text, you can save your attachments using the Mail app right from your iPhone. This is extremely helpful if you'll need to save the attachment for later. The best part is, you can watch it on any other device that have the same online storage service. Here's how!

Don't want to save email attachments on iPhone through Mail? You can always try another Mail app for your iPhone or iPad. If you're thinking about switching here's our list of the best email apps for iPhone and iPad.

We have an on premise Exchange 2013 server. When sending email with large attachments from ActiveSync accounts on IOS devices, the email gets stuck in the outbox and won't send. It keeps trying to resend and can cause our users to blow their data allowance and start costing hundreds in data fees.It does not do this when sending from a Gmail account linked on the phone, or from a windows 8 phone.

I've narrowed down an attachment size of about 7660870 bytes before the issue starts occurring. For a few bytes over this limit, the email will have a failure message, but will still be sent through without the attachment. If you add a few more bytes on, we get the failure message but no email goes through and it gets stuck in the outbox. These sizes are under our allowed size limits for internal and external mail. Additionally, I'm guessing the behavior of this issue depends on the total size of the message including header, body, etc., not just the attachments.

Try reducing the data cap to something like 7340032 (7 MB) or 6291456 (6 MB) and see if your phones at least stop trying to send the email. The major issue here wouldn't be that the phones can't send the email, it's that they don't stop trying and kill the battery and data plan. ff782bc1db

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