My name is Alexandros (or, using the short version, Alekos) Iosifidis. I am a Professor at Aarhus University where I lead the Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence (MaLeCI) group at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and the University's Machine Intelligence research area a the Centre for Digitalisation, Big Data, and Data Analytics (DIGIT). Our work focuses on designing, analyzing, understanding, and putting into use approaches in Machine Learning (and its subfields, including Statistical Learning, data-driven learning, and Deep Learning) finding applications in problems coming from Computer/Robot Vision and Perception, Finance, and graph analysis

ForgtAI: International Workshop on Forging Trust in Artificial Intelligence at IJCNN 2025

The Deep Learning for Robot Perception and Cognition book introduces a broad range of topics and methods in deep learning for robot perception and cognition together with end-to-end methodologies. It provides the conceptual and mathematical background needed for approaching a large number of robot perception and cognition tasks from an end-to-end learning point-of-view. 

The book is suitable for students, university and industry researchers and practitioners in Robotic Vision, Intelligent Control, Mechatronics, Deep Learning, Robotic Perception and Cognition tasks.