The deadline to cover final grades for spring 2023 pass/fail courses for students graduating in spring 2023 is 5 p.m. on May 17, 2023. The deadline for continuing students to cover final grades for spring 2023 pass-fail courses is 5 p.m. on October 13, 2023. Petitions to extend the deadline beyond these dates will not be considered.

The deadline to cover final grades for fall 2023 pass/fail courses for students graduating in fall 2023 is 5 p.m. on January 5, 2024. The deadline for continuing students to cover final grades for fall 2023 pass-fail courses is 5 p.m. on March 6, 2024. Petitions to extend the deadline beyond these dates will not be considered.

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To elect a class pass/fail, undergraduate students must complete the online request form before the published deadline in the semester they are enrolled in the course. Students may only fill out the form one time. Once the form is submitted, they may not change their course selection. No more than one course may be taken pass/fail during a single term.

In order to fill out the form, students will need their 8-digit student ID number. A confirmation email will be generated and sent to the student's Brandeis email address. This is the student's proof of their pass/fail request and should be kept for their records.

Students must receive a grade of C-minus or higher to convert the letter grade to a "P." Students who wish to use the pass/fail grading option for an approved general education requirement must indicate this in the same email.

99% cases of such behavior is mutable classes state and execution order, because IDE and gradle execute tests in different order. Have you checked what exactly causes testAbstractFunctionInvocationOnInterface() assert fail and in which other test classes that variable is changed?

I am facing the same issue. Tests via Intellij are passing, but failing via gradle command and even on Jenkins(which runs same gradle command, but clean build). By any change, did you get it resolved? Any help is really appreciated

I am developing a project in which I would like to use Maven to execute a Java Main class as part of the build process. The Main class's job is to validate that some given (currently hardcoded) files are valid RAML files. In a perfect world, I would like the build to be able to fail the build from within this class's logic, if they are invalid, and have that failure report back to the terminal with the "[BUILD FAILURE]" message just like maven does natively.

However, I'm not sure how to signal from the logic inside of MainClass that the build should fail - if that's necessary. I read about the org.apache.maven.plugins.MojoFailureException in the Maven - Guide to Developing Java Plugins. There it seems to say that I can throw one of these and it will fail the build like I'm hoping for.

The pass-fail grading option is intended to encourage undergraduate students to take challenging courses outside the major field. Courses numbered below 100 are generally not available for optional pass/fail grading system. However, the College offering a course may establish a petition process to determine, on a case-by-case basis, whether a student is allowed to take a course numbered below 100 with pass-fail grading. Courses 400 and above are not available for the optional pass/fail grading system.

Each college faculty shall decide under what conditions and which courses or categories of courses throughout the university may be taken for pass-fail credit by students registered in that college, except for courses designated specifically for pass-fail grading. Each college shall keep the educational policy committee advised of changes in its rules.

A student designates the course(s) to be taken pass-fail normally at preregistration but not later than the fifteenth day of instruction in a regular semester. Summer/Winter session deadlines are prorated according to the length of the session. Prior to this deadline, the student may transfer from pass-fail to regular grading, or vice-versa, without penalty. The courses designated for pass-fail grading by the student require the written acknowledgment of the academic adviser. Retroactive changes to/from pass-fail grading are strictly prohibited.

Acceptance into a program that does not allow pass-fail grading in a course is the only valid reason for converting the grade for a completed course from pass-fail to a letter grade. If a student changes their program such that a course previously taken for pass-fail grading is not allowed for pass-fail grading in the new program, the student must submit a petition to the Committee on the Standing of Students requesting acceptance by the new program, or substitution of the original letter grade submitted, or the substitution of another course. The recommendation of the advisor must accompany the petition.

Developing new medications is a lengthy and expensive process. Many promising compounds for use in medications fail to prove effective in clinical testing, even after years of preliminary research. In psychiatric drug development, this has been particularly problematic.

Although targets have been identified, compounds and drugs developed based on those targets often fail to show benefits in the later stages of clinical trials. The reasons for failure are not always clear. Possible reasons drugs do not work are that the dose was too low, the drug did not act as expected in humans, the side effects outweighed the benefits, and so on. The challenge of trying to untangle why a drug failed in clinical trials is one of the main reasons why the pace of developing medications for mental illnesses and autism has been slow.

This module is part of ansible-core and included in all Ansibleinstallations. In most cases, you can use the shortmodule namefail even without specifying the collections keyword.However, we recommend you use the Fully Qualified Collection Name (FQCN) for easy linking to themodule documentation and to avoid conflicting with other collections that may havethe same module name.

One of the important issues in network operations is how the potential failure of a component will affect overall network performance. Physical and virtual devices deployed on the network can be configured to fail open or fail closed. These conditions impact the delivery of secure, reliable, and highly-responsive IT services.

This strategy is common in situations where security concerns override the need for access. We encounter this every day when we forget the password to a seldom-used personal account and are denied entry. A physical example is the failure of a metal detector at the entrance to a federal courthouse, which leads to a long line of people waiting to get in at a second door, while a technician tries to repair the first door. In these situations, access is a second priority to security.

To prioritize security: In an IP network, security appliances like firewalls can be configured to fail closed, to prevent incoming Internet traffic from being passed into your internal network when the firewall is unable to confirm that the packet is allowed. The network outage that results from a firewall outage can be minimal if a backup firewall quickly takes over processing duties (like the second door at the courthouse). The fail closed condition generally provides greater confidence that a cyber threat or attack will not sneak in while a firewall is offline.

This strategy is used when access is deemed more important that authentication. Healthcare systems are sometimes operated on a fail open basis, such as when emergency care is provided even without authentication of insurance coverage or the ability to pay. The risk (of non-payment in this case) is essentially mitigated by performing authentication after-the-fact. Another example often cited is when a door with an electronic locking mechanism is automatically unlocked when the system fails and is unable to authenticate access credentials. This ensures an exit is made available, particularly in the event of a fire or natural disaster that disables electronic systems.

For deployment and testing: Another practical use for fail open is during the initial deployment and testing period of a new security appliance. Configuring a new device to fail open allows the team to become comfortable with the operation and learn how to respond to alert situations without becoming overwhelmed. Once the team feels confident, the device can be switched over to a fail closed condition, for greater risk management.

Another definition is relevant here and that is fail safe, which refers to a device that is configured to protect all other components in the system from failure, in the event the device itself fails. Practically, this can have the same result as failing open, but fail safe is often achieved through addition of a separate device, known as a bypass switch.

A final concept to consider is failover, the ability to recover the functionality of network devices that fail. This is a broader concept than fail safe, which only specifies only no adverse impact to other components. Failover implies recovery of functionality, achieved through redundancy. External bypass switches are now available with the ability to designate an alternative path for traffic in the event of a network device failure. For example, should the primary IPS appliance fail, when the external bypass switch detects the failure (within microseconds of the event), the switch can automatically begin sending traffic to a secondary, backup appliance. This can be a cost-effective solution for achieving resiliency.

Yet in hopes of jumpstarting their way to "maximum performance," Hackers now hack their brains with meds and hack their diets with a mix of timeless wisdom and kooky new fads, all in the hope of achieving some alchemy that will ensure success and prevent failure.

Traditionally, medical schools have tended to make assumptions that students will "automatically" engage in self-education effectively after graduation and subsequent training in residency and fellowships. In reality, the majority of medical graduates out in practice feel unprepared for learning on their own. Many medical schools are now adopting strategies and pedagogies to help students become self-regulating learners. Along with these changes in practices and pedagogy, many schools are eliminating a cornerstone of extrinsic motivation: discriminating grades. To study the effects of the switch from discriminating to pass-fail grading in the second year of medical school, we compared internal and external assessments and evaluations for a second-year class with a discriminating grading scale (Honors, High Pass, Pass, Fail) and for a second-year class with a pass-fail grading scale. Of the measures we compared (MCATs, GPAs, means on second-year examinations, USMLE Step 1 scores, residency placement, in which there were no statistically significant changes), the only statistically significant decreases (lower performance with pass fail) were found in two of the second-year courses. Performance in one other course also improved significantly. Pass-fail grading can meet several important intended outcomes, including "leveling the playing field" for incoming students with different academic backgrounds, reducing competition and fostering collaboration among members of a class, more time for extracurricular interests and personal activities. Pass-fail grading also reduces competition and supports collaboration, and fosters intrinsic motivation, which is key to self-regulated, lifelong learning. e24fc04721

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