Welcome to ION Lab.

Intelligent Open Network (ION) lab investigates future mobile and cloud network  architectures and algorithms (protocols) for Your World!

Our research areas include Open Networks (SDN/NFV/P4), 5G-Advance and 6G, AI/ML-Empowered Network Automation and Optimization, Network for AI/ML service, Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) and Distributed Learning and Computing. 

We are actively recruiting post-doc, master, Ph. D course students and undergraduate interns. Don't hesitate to contact Prof. Lee (jlee0315@pknu.ac.kr)! 

학부연구생/석사/박사/석박통합과정 에 진학을 희망하는 학생은 연락 바랍니다

(e-mail: jlee0315@pknu.ac.kr)
