Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy applies to apps Invoice Maker in Android.

User Entered Data

All data entered in this app by user stores on user's device. The developer of this app has no means to access the data in any way. You are responsible for backing up the data in sdcard, Dropbox .

Dropbox Backups

If you choose to use the Dropbox service, then your data is uploaded into your personal account on the Dropbox servers. At this point the data will be covered by Dropbox's privacy policy. When you connect to Dropbox, you will prompt with Dropbox native login page. Your enter user name and password on Dropbox site. This app cannot access your user name and password.


We may display ads supplied by a third party ad provider, such as Google AdMob, AdSense, etc. These providers may be using cookies, or other technologies to collect information as a result of ad serving.


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